Enable Lexographical Sorting

Lexicographical sorting is the ability to sort data in alphabetical order.

Most data sources support lexicographical sorting. However, if you notice that lexicographical sorting isn't working properly for a particular data source, then you can configure the Oracle Analytics query engine to perform the sort rather than the back-end data source. To perform this configuration, you need to confirm or deselect the semantic model database's ORDERBY_SUPPORTED supported query feature. See Modify a Database's Supported Query Features.

Note that disabling ORDERBY_SUPPORTED in the database can have a very large performance impact because consequently many joins aren't pushed down to the data source. In many cases, the performance impact is significant enough that ORDERBY_SUPPORTED can still be enabled in the data source regardless of the impact on the lexicographical sorting functionality.

  1. On the Home page, click Navigator and then click Semantic Models.
  2. In the Semantic Models page, click a semantic model to open it.
  3. Click Physical Layer and locate and double-click a database.
  4. In the database, click Advanced.
  5. Go to the Supported Query Features section of the Features table and locate the ORDERBY_SUPPORTED feature.
  6. Confirm that the ORDERBY_SUPPORTED feature is deselected.
  7. Click Save.