Generate an .rpd file from JSON/SMML

Use the jsontorpd utility to generate an .rpd file from JSON/SMML. Running this utility is similar to using Semantic Modeler to export a semantic model.


You can run jsontorpd using a JSON folder to generate an equivalent .rpd file for the input JSON.

After you install the Client Tools, the location of the jsontorpd utility is BI_DOMAIN/bitools/bin

The jsontorpd utility takes the following parameters:

jsontorpd [-P repository_password] {-R repository_path} {-D target_json_path}

Where the required flags are:

repository_password is the password for the semantic model.

repository_path is the path and name of the semantic model. You must provide the full path names to the input and output repository files if they're located in different directories.

target_json_path is the path and name for the target JSON/SMML. You must provide the full path names to the input and output repository files if they're located in different directories.

Where the optional flags are:

Specify -O to generate an output log file at the path you specify.

Specify -H or -? to display usage information and exit.



For all examples, the full path names to the input and output repository files are required if they're located in different directories.

This example generates a semantic model with a password in /project/target.rpd based on the input JSON /project/json:

jsontorpd -P password -R /project/source.rpd -D /project/json

This example generates a semantic model with a password in /project/target.rpd based on the input JSON /project/json. It also generates an additional log file for the conversion:

jsontorpd -P password -R /project/source.rpd -D /project/json -O /project/logs/jsontorpd.log