Import Metadata from Data Sources

You can import metadata for supported data source by selecting the appropriate connection type from the Connections tab in the Semantic Model pane.

To import metadata, you must have all database connections created. To create a connection, see About Connections for Semantic Models.

When you import physical tables, be careful to import only those tables that contain data that are likely to be used in the business models you create. You can search and select the tables that you want to add. Adding large numbers of extraneous tables and other objects adds unnecessary complexity and increases the size of the semantic model.

When you import metadata for most data sources, the default is to import tables and primary keys.

You can also import database views, aliases, synonyms, and system tables. Import these objects only if you want the Oracle Analytics query engine to generate queries against them.

After you import metadata, you should check to ensure that your database and connection pool settings are correct.

In rare cases, the Oracle Analytics query engine can't determine the exact database type during import and instead assigns an approximate type to the database object.