Import the Semantic Model From the Model Administration Tool .rpd File

You can migrate the semantic model created in Model Administration Tool by importing the model's .rpd file into your semantic modeler development environment.

Before you begin the migration, be sure that you perform the steps required to prepare and fully migrate the model. See Plan Your Migration From Model Administration Tool to Semantic Modeler and Prepare the Semantic Model for Migration to Semantic Modeler.
Because of the difference between Model Administration Tool and Semantic Modeler, after migration you might need to update the model to ensure that it passes the advanced consistency check and functions properly. See Update the Semantic Model After Migration From Model Administration Tool.
  1. On the Home page, click Create and then click Semantic Model.
  2. In Create Semantic Model enter a name for the semantic model. Click Create.
  3. In the Create Semantic Model options page, click Import a File.
  4. In the File Upload dialog, browse for the .rpd file to upload. Click Open.
  5. On the Import File window enter the password required to import the file.
  6. Click Import.