Keyboard Shortcuts for Semantic Modeler

You can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate and to perform actions in Semantic Modeler.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts in Semantic Modeler

Use these general keyboard shortcuts for working with Semantic Modeler.

Task Keyboard Shortcut
Close active tab

Ctrl+Shift+X (Windows)

Command+Shift+X (Mac)

Ctrl+C (Windows)

Command+C (Mac)

Ctrl+X (Windows)

Command+X (Mac)

Backspace (Windows)

Delete (Mac)

Enter (Windows)

Enter (Mac)
Global Check Consistency

Ctrl+K (Windows)

Command+K (Mac)
Global Search

Ctrl+Shift+F (Windows)

Command+Shift+F (Mac)
Go to Connection Tab in Finger pane

Ctrl+Alt+0 (Windows)

Command+Option+0 (Mac)
Go to Invalid Tab in Finger pane

Ctrl+Alt+5 (Windows)

Command+Option+5 (Mac)
Go to Logical Tab in Finger pane

Ctrl+Alt+2 (Windows)

Command+Option+2 (Mac)
Go to Physical Tab in Finger pane

Ctrl+Alt+1 (Windows)

Command+Option+1 (Mac)
Go to Presentation Tab in Finger pane

Ctrl+Alt+3 (Windows)

Command+Option+3 (Mac)
Go to Variables Tab in Finger pane

Ctrl+Alt+4 (Windows)

Command+Option+4 (Mac)

Ctrl+V (Windows)

Command+V (Mac)
Save the Model

Ctrl+S (Windows)

Command+S (Mac)
Show/Hide Finger pane

Ctrl+Alt+H (Windows)

Command+Option+H (Mac)
Show/Hide Git pane

Ctrl+Alt+G (Windows)

Command+Option+G (Mac)
View Lineage

Ctrl+Shift+L (Windows)

Command+Shift+L (Mac)
View Source (SMML)

Shift+Enter (Windows)

Shift+Enter (Mac)