3 Administer Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud

When you deploy Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, some administration tasks take place through Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

Delete Oracle Analytics Server Resources

Destroying a stack deletes all the Oracle Analytics Server resources that were created by the stack, including the Oracle Analytics Server compute node.

Billing stops immediately after the destroy operation.

  1. In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click Navigation menu icon in the top left corner, select Resource Manager, and then click Stacks.
  2. Click the Oracle Analytics Server stack you want to delete.
  3. Click Destroy.
    You can monitor the progress of the Destroy job in the Logs tab. When complete, the State changes to Succeeded.
  4. Click Stack Details and then click More Actions. Select Delete Stack, and then click Delete.
  5. Optional: Delete the database schemas created for Oracle Analytics Server.

Edit Your Oracle Analytics Server Deployment

You can edit only the name of the Oracle Analytics Server compute instance.

  1. In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click Navigation menu icon in the top left corner.
  2. Click Compute, and then click Instances.
  3. Under List Scope on the left side of the page, select the compartment containing the compute instance you want to edit.
  4. Select the compute instance and click Edit.
  5. In the Edit instance configuration dialog, enter a new name, and then click Save changes.

View Usage Costs for Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud

You can analyze the cost of your Oracle Analytics Server deployment using the Cost Analysis page. Cost information for Oracle Analytics Server is available under the Compute service.

  • Product Description: Oracle Analytics Server on OCI - UCM
  • Part Number: B94568
  1. Ensure you're assigned to a security policy that allows you to read cost information.

    For example, if you have an Oracle Cloud user group called AnalyticsServerAdmins, you might want to allow this group to see cost information. For example, a policy statement that looks like this:

    allow group AnalyticsServerAdmins to read usage-reports
  2. Navigate to the Cost Analysis Page. Click Billing and Cost Management, and then click Cost Analysis.
  3. In Reports, select Costs by Service.
    1. Add a filter for Service and select COMPUTE.
    2. For Grouping Dimensions, select SKU Product Descriptions.
    3. Review costs for Oracle Analytics Server on OCI - UCM.
  4. In Reports, select Costs by Service.
    1. Add a filter for Service and select COMPUTE.
    2. For Grouping Dimensions, select SKU (Part Number).
    3. Review costs for B94568 (Oracle Analytics Server on OCI - UCM).

Scale Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud

If you want to scale Oracle Analytics Server by distributing the processing of requests across multiple virtual machine (VM) instances, add another Oracle Analytics Server instance to your environment on Oracle Cloud.

Pre-requisites for scaling Oracle Analytics Server:

  • Verify that your environment meets system and network requirements. See Networking Overview and Virtual Networking Quickstart.
  • Deploy additional Oracle Analytics Server instance on the same virtual cloud network (VCN) as the primary Oracle Analytics Server instance.
You can use the performance metrics that are provided in Oracle Fusion Middleware Control to monitor process state and to determine when you must increase capacity to improve performance of Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud.

If you want to use a private subnet, see Configure Public and Private Subnets with a VPN.

  1. Use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to deploy Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (node 1).

    For node 1, you must select Create Oracle Analytics Server Domain, and provide the required domain configuration details. See Deploy Oracle Analytics Server Using Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

    Description of oas_create_domain.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration oas_create_domain.jpg
  2. Use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to deploy a secondary Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure without a domain (node 2).

    For node 2, don't select Create Oracle Analytics Server Domain.

    Description of oas_no_domain.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration oas_no_domain.jpg
  3. Set up shared files and directories between the two nodes.

    The singleton data directory (SDD) stores the metadata. The default location is set to:


    The SDD path is defined in the file bi-environment.xml, located at


    1. Use your favorite SSH client to connect to the compute instance for your primary Oracle Analytics Server (node 1). Log in as the opc user, and then switch to the oracle user.
      ssh -i path_to_private_key opc@oas_public_ip
      sudo su oracle
    2. Create a mount point for bidata. For example, run the following command:
      mount DOMAIN_HOME/bidata /sdd/bidata

      This makes /sdd/bidata the mount point for SDD.

    3. Open the bi-environment.xml file for editing, specify the singleton path, and save the file.

      For example:



      • bi:singleton-data-directory is the SDD mount point.
      • Node1_IP_address is the private IP address of node 1.
    4. Log in to node 2 using the SSH utility and ping node 1 to check you can access node 1.
    5. Add the additional ports required for your scaled out environment to a customized firewall configuration file, and then run the script open_oas_firewall_ports.sh to open the ports. See About Managing Firewall Ports.
  4. Set up the global cache. See Set Up the Global Cache.
  5. Add (or remove) instances on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
  6. Validate that your system scales correctly. See Validate that Your System Has Been Scaled Correctly.

Patch Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud

Patching involves copying a small collection of files over an existing installation, that is, updating to a newer, minor update of the same product. The patching process on Oracle Cloud is similar to patching any on-premises installation or deployment. However, the way you obtain the patch is slightly different if you don't have an on-premises license.

Obtain a Patch

The way you obtain patches for your Oracle Analytics Server deployment on Oracle Cloud depends how you subscribe to Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

  • Oracle Analytics Server - BYOL (Bring Your Own License): Obtain patches through the Patches and Updates tab in My Oracle Support. This is the same method as any on-premises installation or deployment. See Critical Patch Update (CPU) Advisor For Oracle Analytics Server and Oracle Business Intelligence (Doc Id 2832967.2).https://mosemp.us.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=2858616.1
  • Oracle Analytics Server - UCM (Universal Credits): If you don't have any on-premises licenses or access to My Oracle Support, file a Service Request with Oracle Support to obtain patches. After downloading a patch, you apply the patch in exactly the same way as on-premises patching. See How To Obtain Patches For Oracle Analytics Server on OCI MarketPlace (Doc Id 2858616.1).

Apply a Patch

The way you apply a patch for your Oracle Analytics Server deployment on Oracle Cloud is exactly the same as on-premises patching. See Apply a Patch.

Manage the Compute Instance for Oracle Analytics Server Using the Built-in oracle User

You can use your favorite Secure Shell (SSH) client software to connect to the compute instance for Oracle Analytics Server. After logging in as the opc user, Oracle recommends that you switch to the built-in oracle user to explore the Oracle Analytics Server compute instance and complete any administrative tasks.

For example, use the built-in oracle user if you decide to create the domain manually, scale out, access Oracle Analytics Server logs, and so on.


When you use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to deploy Oracle Analytics Server and create the domain, the domain is also created and owned by the oracle user.

  1. Use your favorite SSH client to connect to the compute instance for Oracle Analytics Server. Log in as the opc user.
    ssh -i path_to_private_key opc@oas_public_ip
  2. Switch to the oracle user to explore the Oracle Analytics Server compute instance and perform administrative tasks.
    sudo su oracle
  3. Explore Oracle Analytics Server folders. Oracle Analytics Server applications and scripts are installed in the /u01/app folder. The domain and domain tools are created in the /u01/data folder. Logs are installed under /var/log.
    cd /u01/app
    <Oracle Analytics Server product and binaries, including files such as config.sh, oraInst.loc>
    cd /u01/app/oas-scripts
    <Oracle Analytics Server scripts such as biconfigcleaner.sh, createDataPartition.sh, create_oas_domain.sh, DefaultSingleNodeOASFirewallPorts.xml, oas_installer.sh, open_oas_firewall_ports.sh, oas_install.finish>
    cd /u01/data
    <Oracle Analytics Server domain directories and files such as biconfig.rsp>
    <This partition also includes all the requested boot volume space beyond what is needed for the core Oracle Analytics Server binaries>
    cd /u01/data/domains/bi/bitools/bin
    <Oracle Analytics Server domain tools such as status.sh, start.sh, and other scripts>
    cd /var/log/
    <Oracle Analytics Server logs such as oas_cloudinit.log, oas_create_domain.log>

Manage Firewall Ports for Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud

Learn about the open ports required for a single-node and a scaled-out topology, and their default values. Understand how you can customize the firewall ports for your environment, and open additional ports.

About Managing Firewall Ports

When you use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to deploy Oracle Analytics Server and create the domain, only ports required for a single-node install are open by default. Post deployment, you can customize the default configuration file (DefaultSingleNodeOASFirewallPorts.xml) to open other ports or change the default port values to suit your environment. If you edit the firewall ports, you must run the script open_oas_firewall_ports.sh to effect your changes.

If you create the domain manually using config.sh, you must also use the same script (open_oas_firewall_ports.sh) to modify your firewall port configuration.

If you scale-out your Oracle Analytics Server environment, you must open some additional ports and run the script open_oas_firewall_ports.sh to effect your changes. For details, see Scaled-out, Multi-node Environment - Default Firewall Configuration.

Single Node Environment - Default Firewall Configuration

  • Minimum Required Ports

    The following tables list the open ports that are required for a single-node environment and their default values.

    Oracle WebLogic Server Components Default Port
    Admin Server (HTTP) 9500
    Admin Server (HTTPS) 9501
    Managed Server bi_server1 (HTTP) 9502
    Managed Server bi_server1 (HTTPS) 9503
    Oracle Analytics Server Components Default Port
    Cluster Controller (OBICCS) 9508
    BI Scheduler (OBISCH) 9511
    BI Server (OBIS) 9514
  • Default Configuration

    The default open ports for a single-node environment are configured in the file DefaultSingleNodeOASFirewallPorts.xml as shown:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    	<description>Oracle Analytics Server</description>
    	<port protocol="tcp" port="9500"/>
    	<port protocol="tcp" port="9501"/>
    	<port protocol="tcp" port="9502"/>
    	<port protocol="tcp" port="9503"/>
    	<port protocol="tcp" port="9508"/>
    	<port protocol="tcp" port="9511"/>
    	<port protocol="tcp" port="9514"/>

Scaled-out, Multi-node Environment - Default Firewall Configuration

  • Additional Required Ports

    The following tables list the additional open ports that are required for a scaled-out topology and their default values.

    Oracle WebLogic Server Components Default Port
    Managed Server bi_server1 (internal 9505
    Node Manager 9506
    Oracle Analytics Server Components Default Port
    BI Presentation Services (OBIPS) 9507
    Cluster Controller Monitor 9509
    BI JavaHost (OBIJH) 9510
    BI Scheduler Monitor (OBISCH_MONITOR) 9512
    BI Scheduler Script (OBISCH_SCRIPT) 9513
    BI Server Monitor (OBIS_MONITOR) 9515
    WebLogic Coherence Cluster 9516
  • Additional Configuration

    Additional ports are required for a scaled-out environment. You must add these additional ports to a custom configuration file, and then run the script open_oas_firewall_ports.sh to effect your changes. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<description>Oracle Analytics Server</description>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9500"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9501"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9502"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9503"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9508"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9511"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9514"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9505"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9506"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9507"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9509"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9510"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9512"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9513"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9515"/>
	<port protocol="tcp" port="9516"/>

Open Firewall Ports or Change Port Values

You can change firewall port values and open additional ports to support interprocess communications between the various Oracle Analytics Server components.

  1. Create a custom firewall configuration file.
    1. Use your favorite SSH client to connect to the compute instance for Oracle Analytics Server. Log in as the opc user.
      ssh -i path_to_private_key opc@oas_public_ip
    2. Switch to the oracle user.
      sudo su oracle
    3. Navigate to the folder /u01/app/oas-scripts.
    4. Copy the default firewall configuration file /u01/app/oas-scripts/DefaultSingleNodeOASFirewallPorts.xml and name the copy MyOASFirewallPorts.xml or similar.
  2. Configure the required ports in your custom firewall configuration file.
  3. Use the script open_oas_firewall_ports.sh to open the ports configured in your custom firewall configuration file (/u01/app/oas-scripts/<Custom Firewall Configuration XML File>).
    1. Navigate to: /u01/app/oas-scripts/open_oas_firewall_ports.sh
    2. If required, edit the script to include the name of your custom firewall configuration file.
      open firewall port script
    3. Run open_oas_firewall_ports.sh to open the ports in your custom firewall configuration script.

Restart Oracle Analytics Server After You Reboot the Compute Instance

If you reboot the compute instance on which you deployed Oracle Analytics Server, you must restart Oracle Analytics Server. For example, you might need to reboot your Oracle Analytics Server compute instance after you make changes, such as applying a patch.

  1. In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click Navigation menu icon in the top left corner.
  2. Click Compute and then click Instances.
  3. Under List Scope on the left side of the page, select the compartment where you deployed Oracle Analytics Server and then select the compute instance you want to reboot.
  4. Click Reboot to stop and restart the Oracle Analytics Server compute instance.
  5. Manually start Oracle Analytics Server services using start.sh.

    The start.sh script file is available in the /u01/data/domains/bi/bitools/bin folder.

    1. Use your favorite SSH client to connect to the compute instance for Oracle Analytics Server. Log in as the opc user.
      ssh -i path_to_private_key opc@oas_public_ip
    2. Switch to the oracle user.
      sudo su oracle
    3. Navigate to the folder /u01/data/domains/bi/bitools/bin.
    4. Run start.sh.