1 About Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud

This guide explains how to deploy Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

What Is Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud?

Oracle offers you the option to deploy Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

When deployed on Oracle Cloud, Oracle Analytics Server provides the same functionality, scalability, security, and support as the on-premises version. All sources and targets supported in the on-premises version are supported on Oracle Cloud. See Certification Information

About Oracle Cloud Marketplace

Oracle Cloud Marketplace offers a rich library of click-to-deploy Terraform stacks that provide a quick way to deploy applications and services on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

You can use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to quickly deploy Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure so your organization can benefit from a deployment on this scalable, secure, highly available, and high performance environment.

The installation for Oracle Analytics Server offered through Oracle Cloud Marketplace creates a simple topology, which represents a sample starting topology for this product.

Oracle Cloud Marketplace offers two applications for Oracle Analytics Server.

  • Oracle Analytics Server - BYOL (Bring Your Own License)
  • Oracle Analytics Server - UCM (Universal Credits)

See Consumption Modes in https://www.oracle.com/cloud/marketplace/.

Architecture on Oracle Cloud

Learn about the components and terminology related to Oracle Analytics Server deployments on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Simple Oracle Analytics Server Topology

This topology represents a simple Oracle Analytics Server deployment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

Oracle Cloud Marketplace enables you to install a compute instance with a custom Oracle Analytics Server image in a topology similar to the one shown here. The topology diagram indicates several prerequisite Oracle Cloud Infrastructure components shown in orange: virtual cloud network, subnet, cloud database.

Description of oas_oc_top.jpg follows
Description of the illustration oas_oc_top.jpg

Key Components and Terminology

  • Compute instance: A compute host running in the cloud that allows you to utilize hosted physical hardware, ensuring a high level of security and performance. The compute shape is the resources you allocate to a compute instance.
  • Virtual cloud network and subnets: A virtual cloud network (VCN) in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure covers a single, contiguous Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block of your choice. A subnet is a subdivision of a VCN that consists of a contiguous range of IP addresses that don't overlap with other subnets in the VCN. A VCN includes one or more subnets, route tables, security lists, gateways, and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) options. If you're new to Oracle Cloud, see Networking in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.

    You must set up a VCN and subnet for your Oracle Analytics Server compute instance. The Oracle Analytics Server deployment script assigns the compute instance to a VCN and subnet of your choice.

    Subnets can be public or private. Any compute instances you assign to a private subnet can't be directly accessed from outside Oracle Cloud. To administer compute instances on a private subnet, you must create a separate public subnet and bastion compute instance.

  • Load balancer: (Optional) Provides an extra layer of security, allowing the Oracle Analytics Server compute node to be isolated on a private subnet.
  • NAT gateways, subnets, and partitions: (Optional) If you set up a NAT gateway, when using public and private subnets, the NAT gateway needs to be added to ingress rules in your load balancer security rules for partitions to work.
  • Bastion compute instance: (Optional) Provides administrative access to an Oracle Analytics Server domain on a private subnet.
  • Oracle Cloud Database: Oracle Analytics Server needs access to pluggable database (PDB) on an Oracle Cloud virtual machine DB system in which it can create and store various product schemas. The Oracle database version must be 12.1, 12.2, 18+, or 19+.
  • Marketplace: Oracle Cloud Marketplace is an online store available from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. You can use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to install a compute instance running Oracle Analytics Server software. When you select Oracle Analytics Server in Marketplace, it prompts you for some basic information, and directs you to Resource Manager to create Oracle Analytics Server resources on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. See Overview of Marketplace in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.
  • Resource Manager: You use Resource Manager to deploy Oracle Analytics Server resources on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. See Overview of Resource Manager in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.
  • Stack: A stack is a collection of related cloud resources created and deployed by Resource Manager.

Typical Workflow for Administrators

Use this workflow as a high-level guide to administrator tasks.

Task Description More Information
Complete prerequisites prior to deployment Understand and perform the required prerequisites tasks before you deploy Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud. Before You Begin
Deploy Oracle Analytics Server and its required stack

Use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to deploy Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Enter the required metadata, and select the options that you prefer in the setup wizards.

Deploy Oracle Analytics Server Using Oracle Cloud Marketplace

Perform post-deployment tasks Complete the required post-deployment tasks, including security, access, and resource cleanup. Complete Post Deployment Tasks
Set up users Set up users and groups and assign them appropriate privileges. Set Up Users to Deploy Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud
Monitor usage and costs Monitor the costs of Oracle Analytics Server. View Usage Costs for Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud
Scale an instance Scale out or in by adjusting the number of compute instances. Scale Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud
Patch an instance Apply a patch or roll back a patch. TBD

Where to Go for More Information

Find information on Oracle Analytics Server, Oracle Cloud, and Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

Latest Product Updates

Here’s an overview of new product deployment options for Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

March 2024

Update Description
Oracle Analytics Server 2024

Use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to quickly deploy Oracle Analytics Server 2024 on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

June 2023

Update Description
Oracle Roving Edge Infrastructure

Oracle's Roving Edge Infrastructure enables you to deploy cloud workloads outside the data center where data is generated and consumed, regardless of network connectivity.

Use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to quickly deploy Oracle Analytics Server 2023 on Oracle Roving Edge Infrastructure. Export Oracle Analytics Server 2023 workloads from Oracle Cloud Marketplace to your Oracle Roving Edge Devices (RED).

See Oracle Analytics Server Image for Roving Edge Infrastructure - BYOL.

March 2023

Update Description
Oracle Analytics Server 2023

Use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to quickly deploy Oracle Analytics Server 2023 on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

July 2022

Update Description
Subnet compartment

The Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) and subnet where you deploy the compute instance for Oracle Analytics Server can now be located in different compartments.

In the Network Configuration section, there's a new option Subnet Compartment so you can select the compartment containing your subnet. See Deploy Oracle Analytics Server Using Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

April 2022

Update Description
Folder structure
The folder structure for files deployed during Oracle Analytics Server installation and domain configuration has changed. Here is the updated folder structure and the location of some key files:
  • /u01/app: Oracle Analytics Server product and binaries, including files such as config.sh, oraInst.loc.

  • /u01/app/oas-scripts: Oracle Analytics Server scripts such as biconfigcleaner.sh, createDataPartition.sh, create_oas_domain.sh, DefaultSingleNodeOASFirewallPorts.xml, generate_biconfig.sh oas_installer.sh, open_oas_firewall_ports.sh, oas_install.finish.

  • /u01/data: Oracle Analytics Server domain directories and files such as biconfig.rsp.

    This partition also includes all the requested boot volume space beyond what is needed for the core Oracle Analytics Server binaries.

  • /u01/data/domains/bi/bitools/bin: Oracle Analytics Server domain tools such as status.sh, start.sh, and other scripts.

  • /var/log: Oracle Analytics Server logs such as oas_cloudinit.log, oas_create_domain.log.

Previously these files were deployed under folders named /tmp and /oas/oas_install.

Log file changes

Deployment log files are now available under the /var/log folder (previously under /tmp). The names of the log files have changed too.

  • oas_cloudinit.log (previous name oas_install.log)

  • oas_create_domain.log ( previous name create_domain.log)

Only the required firewall ports open by default

When you use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to deploy Oracle Analytics Server and create the domain, only ports required for a single-node install are open by default. Post deployment, you can use the script open_oas_firewall_ports.sh to open other ports and change the default port values to suit your environment. For details, see Manage Firewall Ports for Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud.

If you create the domain manually using config.sh, you can use the same script (open_oas_firewall_ports.sh) to modify your firewall port configuration.

If you scale-out your Oracle Analytics Server environment, you must open some additional ports. For details, see Scaled-out, Multi-node Environment - Additional Required Ports.

Built-in user for administrative tasks (oracle)

When you use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to deploy Oracle Analytics Server and create the domain, the Oracle Analytics Server compute instance and the domain is created and owned by the oracle user.

After connecting to your Oracle Analytics Server compute instance as the opc user, you must switch to the oracle user to complete administrative tasks. For example, you must use the built-in oracle user to access Oracle Analytics Server logs, manage firewall ports, scale out, create a domain manually, and so on. See Manage the Compute Instance for Oracle Analytics Server Using the Built-in oracle User.

March 2022

Update Description
Oracle Analytics Server 2022

Use Oracle Cloud Marketplace to quickly deploy Oracle Analytics Server 2022 on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.