About Text Items

The text item component allows you to enter free-form text in the layout.

  1. Drag and drop the text item component to the layout.
  2. Double-click the text to enter text editor mode. Select parts of the text to apply different formatting to different parts.

Display a Data Field Side-by-Side with a Text Item

By default, the text item always spawns a complete paragraph. Inserting a data field next to the text field places the data field beneath the text field.

The data field beneath a text item is shown in the following figure:

To display the data field inline with the text item:

About the Text Toolbar

The Text tab defines all the functions that you can do with respect to font and alignment of text in a report.

The Text tab is shown in the following figure.

The Text tab enables you to perform the following:

  • Set the font properties

  • Set alignment of the text in the grid cell

  • Insert predefined text items: page number, date, and time

  • Insert a hyperlink

Edit Font Properties

Use the Font group of commands to set the style, size, emphasis, and color.

  • Select a font style

  • Select a font size

  • Apply emphasis (bold, italic, or underline)

  • Insert a border around the text item

  • Apply a background color

  • Apply a font color

Insert Page Numbers

Drag and drop the page number component to the design area.

The following illustration shows the Page # of N construction.

To create the Page # of N construction:

  1. From the Insert tab drag and drop a Text Item to the design area where you want the page numbers to display.
  2. Double-click the inserted text to select the text item for editing. Type "Page ".
  3. From the Text dynamic tab, drag and drop the Page Number component.
  4. Enter a space, and type "of ".
  5. From the Text dynamic tab, drag and drop the Page Total component.

Insert the Date and Time

You can insert time and date variables in a report design.

To insert the date and time in a report:

  1. From the tab drag and drop a Text Item to the design area where you want the date and time to display.
  2. Double-click the inserted text to select the text item for editing.
  3. Click the Date icon to insert the date icon in the text item. Click the Time icon to insert the time icon in the text item.


    To display the items side-by-side, set the Text Item property to "Inline".

    The following illustration shows the insertion of the date and time icons.

When this report is viewed, the date and time are displayed according to the server time zone if viewed online, or for scheduled reports, the time zone selected for the schedule job.

Insert a Hyperlink

Follow these steps to insert a hyperlink.

To insert a hyperlink in a report:
  1. From the Insert tab drag and drop a Text Item to the design area where you want the date and time to display.
  2. Double-click the inserted text to select the text item for editing. Enter the text which you want to convert to a link.
  3. Select the text, then click the Link button.
  4. In the dialog enter the URL.