Change Icons for Repository Objects

In the Model Administration Tool, you can change the icon that represents a particular object in the repository.

Changing the icon for a particular object doesn't have any functional effect, and isn't visible in analytics editor or other clients. Changing the icon is a useful way to visually distinguish objects for the convenience of repository developers.

For example, you can:

  • Use a special icon for objects that are in the Business Model and Mapping layer, but not the Presentation layer, for easier maintenance of the repository.

  • Mark objects that are logical calculations with a separate icon.

  • Choose an icon to visually distinguish tables in the Presentation layer that appear as nested folders in Answers.

  • Use an icon to denote objects in a logical table that pertain to a specific functional area, or that are sourced from a particular logical table source.

You can only change the icon for individual objects. You can't globally change the icon for all objects of a particular type.

  1. In the Model Administration Tool, right-click an object in the Physical, Business Model and Mapping, or Presentation layer, for example, a particular logical table.
  2. Select Set Icon.
  3. In the Select Icon dialog, select the icon you want to use for that object and click OK.