mapping_rules_*.xml Example

Review the example of a mapping_rules_*.xml file based on the validation rules contained in mapping_rules.xsd.

The actual file has been shortened.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!-- Each Rule defines the source (physical) to target (logical) mapping. It is
used by the Import Metadata Wizard during the Physical to Logical Mapping phase.
Each mapping in a rule can specify whether it should add the default prefix for an
instance. -->

 <rule name="GL Segment Tree Rule">
  <mapping source="TreeCode" target="Tree Code" addprefix="no" /> 
  <mapping source="TreeVersionId" target="Tree Version ID" addprefix="no" /> 
  <mapping source="VersionName" target="Tree Version Name" addprefix="no" /> 
  <mapping source="Dep0Pk2Value" target="Segment Value Set Code" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep0Value" target="Segment Code" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep0Description" target="Segment Description" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep1Value" target="Level 1 Code" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep1Description" target="Level 1 Description" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep2Value" target="Level 2 Code" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep2Description" target="Level 2 Description" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep3Value" target="Level 3 Code" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep3Description" target="Level 3 Description" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Distance" target="Fixed Hierarchy Level" addprefix="no" />
  <mapping source="VersionEffectiveStartDate" target="Effective From" addprefix="no" />
  <mapping source="VersionEffectiveEndDate" target="Effective To" addprefix="no" />
 <rule name="GL Segment Non-Tree Rule">
  <mapping source="Value" target="Segment Code" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="ValueSetCode" target="Segment Value Set Code" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Description" target="Segment Description" addprefix="yes" />
 <rule name="Qualified Segment Tree Rule">
  <mapping source="TreeCode" target="Tree Code" addprefix="no" />
  <mapping source="TreeVersionId" target="Tree Version ID" addprefix="no" />
  <mapping source="VersionName" target="Tree Version Name" addprefix="no" />
  <mapping source="Dep0Pk2Value" target="Value Set Code" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep0Value" target="Code" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep0Description" target="Description" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep1Value" target="Level 1 Code" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep1Description" target="Level 1 Description" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep2Value" target="Level 2 Code" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep2Description" target="Level 2 Description" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep3Value" target="Level 3 Code" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Dep3Description" target="Level 3 Description" addprefix="yes" />
  <mapping source="Distance" target="Fixed Hierarchy Level" addprefix="no" /> 
  <mapping source="VersionEffectiveStartDate" target="Effective From" addprefix="no" /> 
  <mapping source="VersionEffectiveEndDate" target="Effective To" addprefix="no" /> 
  <mapping source="Dep0FlexValueAttribute6" target="Group Account Number" addprefix="no" /> 
 <rule name="Qualified Segment Non-Tree Rule">
  <mapping source="Value" target="Code" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="ValueSetCode" target="Value Set Code" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="Description" target="Description" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="FlexValueAttribute6" target="Group Account Number" addprefix="no" /> 
 <rule name="Role Playing KFF Tree Rule 1">
  <mapping source="TreeCode" target="Tree Code" addprefix="no" /> 
  <mapping source="TreeVersionId" target="Tree Version ID" addprefix="no" /> 
  <mapping source="Dep0Description" target="Description" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="Dep0Pk2Value" target="Value Set Code" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="Dep0Value" target="Code" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="Value" target="Code" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="ValueSetCode" target="Value Set Code" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="Description" target="Description" addprefix="yes" /> 
 <rule name="Role Playing KFF Tree Rule 2">
  <mapping source="TreeCode" target="Tree Code" addprefix="no" /> 
  <mapping source="TreeVersionId" target="Tree Version ID" addprefix="no" /> 
  <mapping source="Dep0Description" target="Desscription" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="Dep0Pk2Value" target="Value Set Code" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="Dep0Value" target="Code" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="Value" target="Code" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="ValueSetCode" target="Value Set Code" addprefix="yes" /> 
  <mapping source="Description" target="Desscription" addprefix="yes" /> 
<instances appName="FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM">

<!-- Each instance is associated with the a single logical table. It applies any number of
rules, with an optional prefix. The rules are applied in order. Note that the prefix includes
a space at the end. It merely concatenates with the target logical column to determine the
right logical column to map to. -->

 <instance logicaltable="Dim - Balancing Segment">
  <apply rule="Qualified Segment Tree Rule" prefix="Balancing Segment" /> 
  <apply rule="Qualified Segment Non-Tree Rule" prefix="Balancing Segment" /> 
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - Cost Center">
  <apply rule="Qualified Segment Tree Rule" prefix="Cost Center" /> 
  <apply rule="Qualified Segment Non-Tree Rule" prefix="Cost Center" /> 
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - Natural Account Segment">
  <apply rule="Qualified Segment Tree Rule" prefix="Account" /> 
  <apply rule="Qualified Segment Non-Tree Rule" prefix="Account" /> 
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - GL Segment1">
  <apply rule="GL Segment Tree Rule" /> 
  <apply rule="GL Segment Non-Tree Rule" /> 
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - GL Segment2">
  <apply rule="GL Segment Tree Rule" /> 
  <apply rule="GL Segment Non-Tree Rule" /> 
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - GL Segment3">
  <apply rule="GL Segment Tree Rule" /> 
  <apply rule="GL Segment Non-Tree Rule" /> 
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - AP Account Balancing Segment">
  <apply rule="Role Playing KFF Tree Rule 1" prefix="Balancing Segment" /> 
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - AP Asset Account Balancing Segment">
  <apply rule="Role Playing KFF Tree Rule 1" prefix="Balancing Segment" />
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - AP Pay Account Balancing Segment">
  <apply rule="Role Playing KFF Tree Rule 1" prefix="Balancing Segment" />
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - Asset From Balancing Segment">
  <apply rule="Role Playing KFF Tree Rule 3" prefix="Asset From Balancing Segment" />
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - Asset To Balancing Segment">
  <apply rule="Role Playing KFF Tree Rule 3" prefix="Asset To Balancing Segment" />
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - Asset Balancing Segment">
  <apply rule="Role Playing KFF Tree Rule 3" prefix="Asset Balancing Segment" />
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - Distribution Balancing Segment">
  <apply rule="Role Playing KFF Tree Rule 3" prefix="Distribution Balancing Segment" />
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - SLA Balancing Segment">
  <apply rule="Role Playing KFF Tree Rule 3" prefix="Balancing Segment" />
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - CE Asset Balancing Segment Value">
  <apply rule="Role Playing KFF Tree Rule 1" prefix="Balancing Segment" />
 <instance logicaltable="Dim - CE Offset Balancing Segment Value">
  <apply rule="Role Playing KFF Tree Rule 1" prefix="Balancing Segment" />