Physical Diagram and Business Model Diagram Keyboard Shortcuts

The table lists the keyboard shortcuts available in the Physical and Business Model Diagrams.

The Physical and Business Model Diagram toolbar options are also available from the Diagram menu.

Action Keyboard Shortcut

Pan around the diagram when no diagram objects are selected

Arrow keys

Select a diagram object: use the arrow keys to move an object under the pointer, then press the spacebar to select the object

Spacebar + Arrow keys

Open the property dialog for a selected diagram object


Cancel current operation


Resume default mode (Select) after using Pan or Marquee Zoom


Deselect an object

Use one of the following methods:


Press the spacebar when the mouse cursor isn't over an object

Zoom in


Zoom out


Select the pan tool


You can use the arrow keys to pan around the diagram.

Revert to auto-layout


Create a new join


This shortcut selects the New Join option.

Create a new table


This shortcut selects the New Table option. After using this shortcut, you can use the arrow keys and spacebar to pan around the diagram and open the Logical Table dialog for the new table.

Select the Marquee Zoom tool


This shortcut selects the Marquee Zoom tool.

Zoom to fit all objects in the current view


Show all tables in Expanded View, with columns visible


Show all tables in Collapsed View, with columns hidden and only the table name displayed