Migration Prerequisites

Ensure that you configure the environment as per Oracle recommendations in readiness for the migration.

Make sure that you have met the following requirements before you proceed to the migration procedure:
  • You have file system permission.
  • You have configured the WebLogic authentication chain to enable the Oracle Business Intelligence users to sign in to the Oracle Analytics Server domain. See Configuring Authentication Providers in Administering Security for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Make sure that you analyze and optimize the existing system by removing redundant content and merging and consolidating similar content.

While analyzing the existing system, note the following details:

  • Name and size of the repository (semantic model)
  • Name and size of the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog
  • Existing security model details
  • Data sources
  • Number of scheduled jobs
  • Any links to external systems

Optimizing the Source System

Migrating metadata and configuration from an existing Oracle Business Intelligence system requires time and resources. A poorly optimized Oracle Business Intelligence deployment can disrupt the migration process and can affect the performance of the Oracle Analytics Server. Oracle recommends that you analyze and optimize the existing Oracle Business Intelligence system by removing redundant content and merging and consolidating similar content.

To optimize the existing Oracle Business Intelligence system in readiness for migration:
  1. Run the Consistency Checker to check the validity of the Oracle Business Intelligence repository (semantic model), and to identify and fix the syntax or semantic errors and warnings that can cause the queries to fail on the Oracle Analytics Server Model Administration Tool. See Checking the Consistency of a Repository or a Business Model in Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
  2. Disable the initialization blocks that are no longer being used.
  3. Identify and remove users and groups that are no longer required, and therefore do not need to be migrated.
  4. Identify and remove objects in the repository (semantic model) and the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog that are no longer required, and therefore do not need to be upgraded.
  5. If you have been using the Oracle BI Server usage tracking functionality, then review the usage tracking data to identify unused objects.
  6. If you have been using the Oracle BI Server summary advisor functionality, then review the summary advisor for aggregated data and aggregation script.