Understanding the Readiness Report

After performing a readiness check for your domain, review the report to determine whether you need to take any action for a successful upgrade.

The format of the name of the readiness report file is:


Where, timestamp indicates the date and time of when the readiness check was run.

A readiness report contains the following information:

Table 4-3 Readiness Report Elements

Report Information Description Required Action
Overall Readiness Status: SUCCESS or FAILURE The top of the report indicates whether the readiness check passed or completed with one or more errors. If the report completed with one or more errors, search for FAIL and correct the failing issues before attempting to upgrade. You can re-run the readiness check as many times as necessary before an upgrade.


The date and time that the report was generated.

No action required.

Log file location


The directory location of the generated log file.

No action required.

Domain Directory Displays the domain location No action required.

Readiness report location


The directory location of the generated readiness report.

No action required.

Names of components that were checked

The names and versions of the components included in the check and status.

If your domain includes components that cannot be upgraded to this release, such as SOA Core Extension, do not attempt an upgrade.

Names of schemas that were checked

The names and current versions of the schemas included in the check and status.

Review the version numbers of your schemas. If your domain includes schemas that cannot be upgraded to this release, do not attempt an upgrade.

Individual Object Test Status: FAIL

The readiness check test detected an issue with a specific object.

Do not upgrade until all failed issues have been resolved.

Individual Object Test Status: PASS

The readiness check test detected no issues for the specific object.

If your readiness check report shows only the PASS status, you can upgrade your environment. Note, however, that the Readiness Check cannot detect issues with externals such as hardware or connectivity during an upgrade. You should always monitor the progress of your upgrade.

Completed Readiness Check of <Object> Status: FAILURE The readiness check detected one or more errors that must be resolved for a particular object such as a schema, an index, or datatype. Do not upgrade until all failed issues have been resolved.
Completed Readiness Check of <Object> Status: SUCCESS The readiness check test detected no issues. No action required.