About SMML Schema Files and Folders

SMML schema files are generated for each object in a semantic model and automatically sorted based on their object type into root folders for the corresponding layer that the object type belongs to.

When you're working with a semantic model, a SMML schema file is generated for any object added to the model. Each schema file defines an object and its properties. When you add an object to a semantic model, a SMML schema file is generated and designated to one of four root folders depending on the type of object the file represents.

A root folder exists for each semantic model layer: physical, logical, and presentation. The Variables folder exists for initialization blocks and associated variable elements.

If the semantic model's object type names contain unsupported characters, then the folder names won't match the object type names. For information on how folders and files are named, see Naming Conventions for SMML.

SMML Physical Layer Folder

The physical layer root folder contains database object folders at the top-level. Database folders contain schema folders or catalog folders containing one or more schema folders grouped together. Each schema folder contains physical tables and if created, physical alias tables.

SMML Logical Layer Folder

The logical layer root folder contains business model object folders at the top-level. Each business model folder contains logical tables.

SMML Presentation Layer Folder

The presentation layer root folder contains subject area object folders at the top-level. Each subject area folder contains presentation tables.

SMML Variables Folder

The Variables root folder contains an initialization blocks folder and a variables subfolder, both at the top-level. The initialization blocks folder contains initialization block objects. The variables subfolder contains variables that are associated with the initialization block objects.