Description of the illustration views16.gif

This image shows three views in the Compound Layout: Title view (Regional Revenue Active Singles and Students, Table view (Regional Revenue by Cust Segment), and a Chart view (pie chart for Regional Profit Ratio Percent by Cust Segment). A cross hair cursor, a bright blue vertical line, and a red arrow indicate that the pie chart is being moved to the left of the Table view. There is an Add to Briefing Book link in the lower left of the image inside the Compound Layout.

Each view also contains a toolbar in the upper right of the view container. The toolbar buttons within each view (from left to right) are as follows:

The Table view contains the following columns: Region, Cust Segment, and Revenue.

The Chart view contains a slider that displays the regions. These regions include AMERICAS, APAC, and EMEA.

The legend in the Chart view displays Segment and Profit Ratio Percent.

The pie slices display the Profit Ratio Percent.