Manage Your Data Flows

Manage your data flows on the Data Flows page. For example, you might schedule when you process your data, or export a data flow so that you can migrate it to a different Oracle Analytics instance.

Manage your data flows so keep your data up-to-date, giving you better quality insights.
  1. On the Home page, click Navigator, then Data, then Data Flows.
  2. Hover over a data flow, click Actions, and use these options:
    • Use Run to create or update your data using the data flow.
    • Use Open/Open in a New Tab to edit the data flow.
    • Use New schedule to create or update your data regularly.
    • Use Inspect to view general information about the data flow, such as the source and target data, when the flow was last executed, scheduled executions, and execution history. You can also use the Access tab to share data flows that you own.
    • Use Export to export a data flow with its dependent data and credentials as a .DVA file to the download folder of your machine. Use the export and import options to migrate data flows from one system to another or back up your data flows. When you export data flows, you can select what to include in the export file. For example, enable Include Permissions to include access permissions so that shared connections continue to work when you import the data flow. To import a data flow that you've downloaded, on the Data Flows page, click Page Menu, then click Import Workbook/Flow. Follow the on-screen instructions to select a local .DVA file to import. When you import the data flow, select Import Permissions (if available) to include access permissions so that shared connections continue to work.
    • Use Delete to remove the data flow from your system (there's no undo).