Search for and Replace Multiple Catalog Text Strings

Use this procedure to search for and replace multiple catalog text strings all at the same time.

  1. Create the JSON file for searching for and replacing multiple text strings.
  2. On the Classic Home page, click Catalog.
  3. In the Catalog page, search for the item for which you want to replace the text.
  4. In the search results for the item, click More, and then click Replace Text.

    Replace Text

  5. Click Multiple Text Replace.
  6. In the Replace Text File field, enter the path or click Browse to specify the JSON file that you created in Step 1.
  7. Click OK.
    Text replacement triggers a background job to complete the task.
  8. Review the progress of the replace text job by following these steps:
    1. Display the Classic Home page.
    2. Click My Profile, Background Tasks, and then click Replace Text Tasks.