Sort, Drill, and Select Data in Visualizations

You can narrow your focus to explore certain aspects of your data by sorting, drilling, and selecting data.

  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions, then select Open.
  2. Select a visualization and click Menu.
  3. Select one of the following:
    • Click Sort By and then select Custom, or click Sort in the visualization tool bar to display the Sort Order dialog where you can sort one or more attributes in a visualization. You can create and view sorts, define sort attributes, arrange the sort order for multiple sorts, and view and resolve sort conflicts. You can also sort an attribute by a measure column that isn't used in the visualization.

      If the table includes subtotals or contains a dimension, then all column sorts on columns after the subtotal or dimension, are sorted in the subtotal group.

      If you’re working with a table view with multiple sorts, then the system always sorts the last column that you sorted first. In some cases where specific values display in the left column, you can’t sort the center column. For example, if the left column is Product and the center column is Product Type, then you can’t sort the Product Type column. To work around this issue, swap the positions of the columns and try to sort again.
    • Click Drill to create a drill to a data element, and to create a drill through hierarchies in data elements, for example you can create a drill to weeks within a quarter. You can also create drills using multiple data elements. For example, you can select two separate year members that are columns in a pivot table, and drill into those members to see the details.
    • Click Drill to [Attribute Name] to directly drill to a specific attribute within a visualization.
    • Click Keep Selected to keep only the selected members and remove all others from the visualization and its linked visualizations. For example, you can keep only the sales that are generated by a specific sales associate.
    • Click Remove Selected to remove selected members from the visualization and its linked visualizations. For example, you can remove the Eastern and Western regions from the selection.