Troubleshoot Issues with Workbooks, Analyses, and Dashboards

This topic describes common problems that you might encounter when using workbooks, analyses and dashboards, and explains how to solve them.

I can’t see data in an analysis or workbook

You open an analysis or workbook, but you don’t see any data in it.

There might be some temporary issue with the database. Contact your administrator for assistance.

You might not have the permissions needed to access the data. Contact the object's owner or administer and ask them to check your access permissions. You'll need read permissions to the analysis or workbook and any artifacts included in the analysis or workbook (for example, a dataset).

I can’t access a particular analysis, dashboard, or workbook

You attempt to display an analysis, dashboard, or workbook and find that you don’t have access.

Typically you can’t access an analysis, dashboard, or workbook if you lack the appropriate permissions or application role for accessing it. Contact the owner of the analysis, dashboard, or workbook or your administrator for assistance in obtaining the proper permissions or application role.

I can’t find an analysis, dashboard, or workbook

Try searching the catalog. You can search for analyses, dashboards, or workbooks by name (full or partial) and by folder location. The search isn’t case-sensitive. Searches of the catalog return only those objects that you have permission to see.

Contact your administrator if you still can’t find an analysis, dashboard, or workbook and you suspect that it was deleted by mistake. Your administrator can restore earlier versions of the catalog from recent snapshots, if required.

The analysis or workbook is running very slowly

You attempt to run an analysis or workbook and find that it takes a long time.

Various underlying circumstances can cause an analysis or workbook to run slowly. Contact your administrator and ask that he review log files associated with the analysis or workbook. After reviewing the log files with the administrator, make the appropriate adjustments in the analysis or workbook.

The analysis or workbook returned data that I didn’t expect

Various underlying circumstances can cause an analysis or workbook to return unexpected results. For an analysis, in the Subject Areas pane of the Criteria tab, click Refresh to ensure that you’re seeing the most recent information. For a workbook, refresh the source data.

I don’t understand why my analysis or workbook shows a view display error

When you display an analysis or workbook, you might see a message such as the following: "View Display Error. Exceed configured maximum number of allowed input records." This message indicates that you've selected more data than can be displayed in a view of that type. Add one or more filters to the analysis or workbook to reduce the amount of data. For example, add a filter that specifies a date range of only a few years.

The matched Year columns for a subject area and external data source don’t work properly

This mismatch is generic to a column that contains numbers but that should be handled as if it contains characters. Microsoft Excel typically sets the data type of a column that contains only numbers to numeric. Numbers are then prefixed with a single quote that creates the problem of an added space at the start of the number. In the case of matches and filters, this leading space causes the match to fail.

To work around this issue, create a formula that concatenates a zero-length string (single quotes with nothing between them) to the column with the number. For example, if the column with numbers is in column A, you create a string equivalent by adding a column for each cell with the formula =concatenate(A2,’’), =concatenate(A3,’’).

I can't see the Auto Insights option on the Visualize canvas in the workbook editor

Ask the Oracle Analytics administrator to enable auto insights.

The Auto Insights option is greyed out on the Visualize canvas in the workbook editor

On the Dataset Inspect dialog for datasets that require insights, select the Enable Insights option.