Monitor Running Jobs

You can monitor the stages of the report processing when a job is in running status.

  1. In the Report Job History page, hover over the Running status indicator in the Report Job Histories table.
    The status displays with the instance ID of the cluster instance handling the processing.
  2. To check the latest status, refresh the page. The status doesn't automatically update while you're viewing the page.

Process Stages of Jobs

This topic lists the processing stages of a job.

Processing Stage Substages

Job Processor

Sending to Job Queue

In job queue

In job processor

Job processor completed

Job processor caused exception

Data Fetching

Fetching XML Data

XML Data Fetched

Before calling data model pre-trigger

After calling data model pre-trigger

Before calling data model post-trigger

After calling data model post-trigger

Fetching Bursting Control File (for bursting jobs only)

Fetching bursting control

XML Bursting control xml fetched

Data Processor

In data processor

Parsing control file (applies only to bursting jobs)

Control file parsed (applies only to bursting jobs)

Cutting data based on split key (applies only to bursting jobs)

Data cutting completed (applies only to bursting jobs)

Total sub-jobs (applies only to bursting jobs)

Data processor completed

Report Processor

In report processor

Rendering report document

Report document rendering completed

Report processor completed

Error rendering report document

Delivery Processor

The valid values for <delivery> are email, fax, FTP, Print, WebDAV, or Document Cloud Services, depending on the destinations selected for the report.

In <delivery> processor

Delivering to <delivery> processor

Document delivered to <delivery> server

<Delivery> processor completed