Set Your Account Preferences

Use the My Account dialog to set or view your account preferences and groups.

Your preferences may be inherited from another Oracle product. If this is true for your work environment, you can't update your preferences from within Publisher. If you aren't sure where to update your preferences, ask your administrator.

When Publisher is integrated with Oracle Analytics Server, the Report Locale, UI Language, and Time Zone user preferences are set in the Oracle Analytics Server application. When you update your Publisher preferences in Oracle Analytics Server, you must start a new Publisher HTTP session for these to take effect in the Publisher interface.

  1. In the Publisher home page, click My Profile username and select My Account.
  2. Set or view your account preferences in the General tab.
    • Accessibility Mode
    • Email Addresses
    • Default Printer
  3. View the groups assigned to you in the My Groups tab.
    Your user groups are the application roles to which you're assigned. You can't modify this list.