18 How do I search for BI content?

You can search for the BI content through dashboards and catalog.
  1. Tap Dashboards Dashboards icon or Catalog Catalog icon.

  2. Tap Search icon available at the top of the screen. You see the keyboard.

  3. Using the keyboard, type a part of the catalog object's name in the Search field and tap Perform search button. The app searches on the server and displays the search results as cards.

  4. Tap a card to open the BI content.

You can search for the BI content using Spotlight Search. Swipe down on the Home screen icons or swipe right from the Home screen to search for media, apps, emails, contacts, messages, reminders, calendar events, and similar content anywhere on your device. You see the Spotlight Search field.


For spotlight search to work with Oracle BI Mobile, you must have opened the report at least once in the app. Once you've opened a report, the app adds a reference to that report into spotlight search and then you can find and open that report outside the Oracle BI Mobile app.