Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
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dvt:lineChart lineChart line chart

UIComponent class:
Component type: oracle.dss.adf.chart.LineChart

Line Chart


A chart displaying series of data whose values are represented by lines.

<dvt:lineChart value="#{chartDataSource.defaultLineData}" var="row">
  <f:facet name="dataStamp">
    <dvt:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}" group="#{}" value="#{row.value}"/>

Related Tags

Customization Options


Animations can be enabled on data change or on initial display by adding af:transition as a child of this component. The following trigger types and transitions are supported:

Indicators can be shown during animations to identify data change using the animationIndicators attribute.

Axis Customization

The chart axes can be customized using the dvt:chartXAxis, dvt:chartYAxis, and dvt:chartY2Axis tags. Customization options include titles, axis extents, and tick increments.

Conditional Formatting

Properties of specific data items or series can be customized using EL expressions for attributes on the dvt:chartDataItem and dvt:chartSeriesStyle.

Data Labels

Data labels can be specified using the label attribute on dvt:chartDataItem. The position and style of the data labels can also be customized.

Dual Y-Axis

Dual Y-Axis charts can be used to compare data series requiring distinct axes, such as stock price and volume of shares traded. To configure a chart for dual y, used the assignedToY2 attribute on dvt:chartSeriesStyle.


The legend can be hidden, positioned, or customized using dvt:chartLegend.

Number Formatting

Number formatting options are available through dvt:chartValueFormat and dvt:chartTickLabel.

Reference Objects

Reference lines and reference areas can be added to the chart through the associated axis. For example, to add a reference line for a y-axis value, a dvt:referenceLine should be added as a child of dvt:chartYAxis.

Series Customization

Series properties can be customized using dvt:chartSeriesStyle, which is supported within the seriesStamp facet. To declaratively specify several dvt:chartSeriesStyle tags, wrap within an af:group:

<f:facet name="seriesStamp">
    <dvt:chartSeriesStyle series="Series 1" color="#0000ff"/>
    <dvt:chartSeriesStyle series="Series 2" color="#ff0000"/>

Series Effect

The fill effect of the data objects can be customized using the seriesEffect attribute, providing support for gradient, pattern, and solid fills.

Stacked Charts

Stacked charts can be used to compare cumulative values across groups. Stacking can be enabled by using the stack attribute.

Interactivity Features

Data Cursor

For charts where selection and other click interactivity is not enabled, the data cursor can be used to provide feedback for the closest data item to the mouse or touch gesture. The data cursor is enabled by default on touch devices, and it can be turned on or off explicitly using the dataCursor attribute.

Hide and Show Behavior

The hideAndShowBehavior attribute allows the end user to filter the visible data set by clicking on the legend items.

Hover Behavior

The hoverBehavior attribute provides support for dimming of unrelated data objects as the user hovers on objects in the chart.

Popups and Context Menus

Popups and context menus can be displayed using af:showPopupBehavior, which is a supported child of dvt:chartDataItem.


Selection of data items can be enabled using the dataSelection attribute. Selection can be processed using selectionListener on the server or the selection event type on the client.

Zoom and Scroll

Zoom and scroll can be enabled using the zoomAndScroll attribute. For line charts, only x-axis zoom and scroll is supported; the y-axis will be rescaled automatically based on the visible data in the viewport. The initial viewport of the chart can be set using the viewportMinimum/Maximum/StartGroup/EndGroup attributes in dvt:chartXAxis. An overview scrollbar (a.ka. a range selector), which draws the entire chart data in the scrollbar to provide context, can be enabled by using dvt:overview within the overview facet.


Type Phases Description
org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.AttributeChangeEvent Invoke Application,
Apply Request Values
Event delivered to describe an attribute change. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change event might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.

Supported Facets

Name Description
dataStamp the data item component or components to stamp for each row of the model. To stamp multiple data items, wrap them in a group tag.

Specifies the rendering of the overview window. Only applicable for charts that have zoomAndScroll not set to off.

seriesStamp the series style component to stamp for each row of the model. The properties of the stamp will be processed once for each unique series. To declaratively define multiple series, wrap them in a group tag.


Name Type Supports EL? Description
animationIndicators String Yes Valid Values: all, none
Default Value: all

Specifies the type of data change animation indicators.
attributeChangeListener javax.el.MethodExpression Only EL a method reference to an attribute change listener. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change events might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.
binding Only EL

Specifies a binding reference to store a specific instance of UILineChart from a backing bean. Set this attribute only to access code in a backing bean. For example, to reference a chart component in the sample managed bean, use the following code: binding="#{sample.chart}"

contentDelivery String Yes Valid Values: whenAvailable, lazy, immediate
Default Value: whenAvailable

Specifies whether to fetch content with page load or after page load.
coordinateSystem String Yes Valid Values: cartesian, polar
Default Value: cartesian

Specifies the coordinate system of the chart.
dataCursor String Yes Valid Values: auto, off, on
Default Value: auto

Specifies whether the data cursor is enabled. When set to auto, the data cursor is enabled only for area and line charts on touch devices.
dataCursorBehavior String Yes Valid Values: auto, smooth, snap
Default Value: auto

Specifies the data cursor interaction behavior. When set to auto, the data cursor moves smoothly for line and area charts, and snaps for other chart types.
dataLabelPosition String Yes Valid Values: auto, center, aboveMarker, belowMarker, beforeMarker, afterMarker
Default Value: auto

Specifies the position of the data labels. Valid values are:
  • auto (default) - center for bubble charts, and afterMarker for line, area and scatter charts.
  • center - centered on the data point.
  • aboveMarker - above the data marker on line, area, scatter and bubble charts.
  • belowMarker - below the data marker on line, area, scatter and bubble charts.
  • beforeMarker - before the data marker on line and area charts (to the left in left-to-right locale, to the right in right-to-left locale).
  • afterMarker - after the data marker on line and area charts (to the right in left-to-right locale, to the left in right-to-left locale).
Bubble graphs calculate the optimal text size for the centered data labels. If centered and the label is too long to fit on the data point, the label is automatically truncated for bubble.
dataSelection String Yes Valid Values: none, single, multiple
Default Value: none

Specifies the data selection mode for the chart.
emptyText String Yes The text of the component when empty.
footnote String Yes Specifies the footnote for the chart.
footnoteHalign String Yes Valid Values: start, end, center
Default Value: start

Specifies the horizontal alignment of the chart footnote.
hideAndShowBehavior String Yes Valid Values: none, withRescale, withoutRescale
Default Value: none

Specifies the hide/show behavior when clicking on the legend items.
hoverBehavior String Yes Valid Values: none, dim
Default Value: none

Specifies the behavior when hovering over the chart data items.
id String No Specifies the identifier for the component
initialZooming String Yes Valid Values: first, last, none
Default Value: none

Whether automatic initial zooming is enabled. The valid values are "first" to initially zoom to the first data points (after the viewportMin) that can fit in the plot area, "last" to initially zoom to the last data points (before the viewportMax), and "none" to disable initial zooming. Only applies if zoomAndScroll is not off, and if viewportMin and viewportMax are not both specified.
inlineStyle String Yes Style of the outer element (enclosing div) of the component
orientation String Yes Valid Values: vertical, horizontal
Default Value: vertical

Specifies the orientation of the chart.
partialTriggers String[] Yes The IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update. This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
polarGridShape String Yes Valid Values: circle, polygon
Default Value: circle

Specifies the grid shape of a chart with polar coordinate system. Does not apply when bar series are displayed.
rendered boolean Yes Default Value: true

Specifies whether the component is rendered.
selectedRowKeys org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet Yes The set of selected rows for this component.
selectionListener javax.el.MethodExpression Only EL a method reference to a selection listener, the method is invoked when the selected nodes are changed.
seriesEffect String Yes Valid Values: color, gradient, pattern
Default Value: gradient

Specifies the fill effect for the data items.
stack String Yes Valid Values: off, on
Default Value: off

Specifies whether the data should be stacked.
styleClass String Yes Sets a CSS style class to use for this component.
subtitle String Yes Specifies the subtitle for the chart.
timeAxisType String Yes Valid Values: disabled, enabled, mixedFrequency
Default Value: disabled

Specifies the time axis type for the chart. When set to enabled, java.util.Date instances must be passed as the chart groups. When set to mixedFrequency, the java.util.Date instances must be provided through the x attribute of the the dvt:chartDataItem.
title String Yes Specifies the title for the chart.
titleHalign String Yes Valid Values: start, end, center
Default Value: start

Specifies the horizontal alignment of the chart title.
value String Yes The data model for the chart - can be an instance of javax.faces.CollectionModel
var String No Name of the EL variable used to reference each element of this collection. Once this component has completed rendering, this variable is removed (or reverted back to its previous value).
varStatus String No Name of the EL variable used to reference the varStatus information. Once this component has completed rendering, this variable is removed (or reverted back to its previous value). The VarStatus provides contextual information about the state of the component to EL expressions. For components that iterate, varStatus also provides loop counter information. Please see the this component's documentation for the specific properties on the varStatus. The common properties on varStatus include:
  • model - returns the CollectionModel for this component
  • index - returns the zero based row index
zoomAndScroll String Yes Valid Values: off, delayedScrollOnly, liveScrollOnly, delayed, live
Default Value: off

Specifies the zoom and scroll behavior of the graph. "Live" behavior means that the chart will be updated continuously as it is being manipulated, while "delayed" means that the update will wait until the zoom/scroll action is done. The "delayed" behavior is recommended if the chart rendering is slow. Valid values are:

  • off (default) - no zoom and scroll
  • delayedScrollOnly - delayed scroll only, no zoom
  • liveScrollOnly - live scroll only, no zoom
  • delayed - delayed zoom and scroll
  • live - live zoom and scroll