
af:validateRegExp validateRegExp validate reg exp RegExp regexp

type: oracle.adf.rich.RegExp

Validate expression using java regular expression syntax.

This validator also runs on the client (implements org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.validator.ClientValidator).

This is an example of a custom error message:


Name Type Supports EL? Description
disabled boolean Yes Default Value: false

Whether the validator should be disabled, default to false.
hint String Yes

Hint message to be used, when giving a hint on expected pattern. There is no default hint for this property.


  • {0} the pattern

messageDetailNoMatch String Yes

Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of faces message, when users input does not match the specified pattern.


  • {0} the label that identifies the component
  • {1} value entered by the user
  • {2} represents the 'pattern' expected in the input
Please note: Parameter {1} which specifies the value entered by the user, should never be used in the message if the value is secure, like when secret=true on inputText.

pattern String Yes pattern to be matched in the input value.