1 About Oracle Forms for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Use Oracle Forms for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to create a Forms application deployment environment in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in a fraction of the time it would normally take to do so on premises.

Oracle Forms for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is available as an application in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace. Oracle Forms for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is available in Marketplace at: https://cloudmarketplace.oracle.com/marketplace/app/OracleForms.

After launching this application, you can connect to the instance for the first time using SSH. Upon first connection, you will be presented with a series of questions that will be used to help configure the environment. Once the instance and the software on it have been provisioned, you can customize it to meet your needs.

The default settings for this VM image provides enough basic operational scope for most user cases. However, if you want to emulate something more typical of a true enterprise deployment (like hosting hundreds of concurrent users), you may need to adjust the VM shape, operating system, and/or your server software settings accordingly.

While this image can be used for production purposes, Oracle recommends that you perform a thorough security review before doing so.