7 Debug Oracle JET Applications

Since Oracle JET web apps are client-side HTML5 applications written in JavaScript, you can use your favorite browser's debugging facilities.

Debug Web Applications

Use your source code editor and browser's developer tools to debug your Oracle JET app.

Developer tools for widely used browsers like Chrome, Edge, and Firefox provide a range of features that assist you in inspecting and debugging your Oracle JET app as it runs in the browser. Read more about the usage of these developer tools in the documentation for your browser.

By default, the ojet build and ojet serve commands use debug versions of the Oracle JET libraries. If you build or serve your Oracle JET app in release mode (by appending the --release parameter to the ojet build or ojet serve command), your app uses minified versions of the Oracle JET libraries. If you choose to debug an Oracle JET app that you built in release mode, you can use the --optimize=none parameter to make the minified output more readable by preserving line breaks and white space:

ojet build --release --optimize=none
ojet serve --release --optimize=none

Note that browser developer tools offer the option to "pretty print" minified source files to make them more readable, if you choose not to use the --optimize=none parameter.

You may also be able to install browser extensions that further assist you in debugging your app.

Finally, if you use a source code editor, such as Visual Studio Code, familiarize yourself with the debugging tools that it provides to assist you as develop and debug your Oracle JET app.

Use Preact Developer Tools

You can install a Preact browser extension to provide additional debugging tools in your browser’s developer tools when you debug your virtual DOM app.

Preact provides download links for the various browser extensions at https://preactjs.github.io/preact-devtools/.

Once you have installed the extension for your browser, you need to include an import statement for preact/debug as the first line in your app's appRootDir/src/index.ts file:
import 'preact/debug';
import './components/app';

Oracle JET takes care of including this import when your virtual DOM app is built or served in debug mode (the default option for ojet build and ojet serve) by including the following injector token when you create the virtual DOM app:

// injector:preactDebugImport
// endinjector
import './components/app';

As a result, you do not need to include the import 'preact/debug' statement when you build or serve your app in debug mode or remove it when you build or serve for release, as Oracle JET’s injector token ensures that the import statement is only included in debug mode.

When you serve your virtual DOM app in debug mode (the default option for ojet serve), you’ll see an extra tab, Preact, in your browser’s developer tools. In the following image, you see the Preact tab in the Chrome browser’s DevTools.

You can view the hierarchy of the components, select and inspect components, and perform other actions that assist you in debugging issues with your virtual DOM app.

The surrounding text describes the image

When you build or serve the virtual DOM app in release mode, using the --release argument, Oracle JET does not import the Preact DevTools. Remove the token if you do not want to use the Preact DevTools in debug mode.

One other thing to note is that Oracle JET includes the following entries in your app's appRootDir/src/path_mapping.json file when it creates your app. You need these entries to be able to use the Preact extension discussed here.

. . . 
"preact/debug": {
      "cdn": "3rdparty",
      "cwd": "node_modules/preact/debug/dist",
      "debug": {
        "src": [
        "path": "libs/preact/debug/dist/debug.umd.js",
        "cdnPath": "preact/debug/dist/debug.umd"
      "release": {
        "src": [
        "path": "libs/preact/debug/dist/debug.umd.js",
        "cdnPath": "preact/debug/dist/debug.umd"
    "preact/devtools": {
      "cdn": "3rdparty",
      "cwd": "node_modules/preact/devtools/dist",
      "debug": {
        "src": [
        "path": "libs/preact/devtools/dist/devtools.umd.js",
        "cdnPath": "preact/devtools/dist/devtools.umd"
      "release": {
        "src": [
        "path": "libs/preact/devtools/dist/devtools.umd.js",
        "cdnPath": "preact/devtools/dist/devtools.umd"