New Features Described in Oracle JET's Documentation for Release 15.1.0

Here are updates to the documentation for Oracle JET to describe new features and enhancements added to Release 15.1.0.

For other changes in this release, see the product Release Notes.

Oracle JET

Documentation updates for this release of Oracle JET.

  • LocalDateConverter

    Oracle JET includes a new converter class, LocalDateConverter, which takes date-only user input and provides very flexible parsing when converting the input to formatted date strings. See the API documentation for the LocalDateConverter class.

  • Testing Oracle JET virtual DOM apps and components

    The Developing Oracle JET Apps Using Virtual DOM Architecture guide has been revised to include recommendations on how to test virtual DOM apps and components, plus how to use the Oracle JET CLI add testing command to configure your project with the Jest and Preact testing libraries. See Test Oracle JET Apps.

Migration Information

Note the following change that affect JET apps that you migrate to Release 15.1.0:

See the following sections for step-by-step information about migrating your app to this release of Oracle JET.

Oracle JET Audit Framework

A new version of the Oracle JET Audit Framework (JAF) is included in this release of Oracle JET.

It includes bug fixes. It does not include new rules. See Getting Started with the Oracle JET Audit Framework and run ojaf --help to learn more about JAF. Run ojaf --version to view the JAF version that you have. See the documentation for Release 15.0.0 to view a summary of the changes in the last release of JAF that included new rules and other enhancements.

Documentation Accessibility

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