This image contains three instances of a form. The form has four text inputs for First Name, Last Name, Email, and Confirm Email. The two boxes for Name are required. The form also has a check box list for Favorite Colors and a Submit button. Below the Submit button is text which reads, "oj-validation-group valid property".

In the first instance the form is empty, and the text reads, "oj-validation-group valid property: invalidHidden".

In the second instance, the First Name box has the word "John" in it. The Last Name text box has a red box around it, and an error notification that reads, "Value is required. You must enter a value." The text at the bottom reads, "oj-validation-group valid property: invalidShown".

In the third instance, the First Name box has the word "John" in it and the Last Name box has the word "Doe" in it. The text at the bottom reads, "oj-validation-group valid property: valid". There is an alert overlay that reads, "everything is valid; submit the form".

Arrows indicate that the first instance can lead to the second or third, and the second instance can lead to the third.