6 Understand Oracle JET User Interface Basics

Oracle JET User Interface (UI) components extend the htmlElement prototype to implement the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) web component specification for custom elements. Custom elements provide a more declarative way of working with Oracle JET components and allow you to access properties and methods directly on the DOM layer.

About the Oracle JET User Interface

Oracle JET includes components, patterns, and utilities to use in your app. The toolkit also includes an API specification (if applicable) and one or more code examples in the Oracle JET Cookbook.

Identify Oracle JET UI Components, Patterns, and Utilities

The Oracle JET Cookbook lists all the components, design patterns, and utilities available for your use. By default, the cookbook is organized into functional sections, but you can also click Sort to arrange the contents alphabetically.

The Cookbook contains samples that you can edit online and see the effects of your changes immediately. You’ll also find links to the API documentation, if applicable.

About Common Functionality in Oracle JET Components

All Oracle JET components are implemented as custom HTML elements, and programmatic access to these components is similar to interacting with any HTML element.

Custom Element Structure

Oracle JET custom element names start with oj-, or oj-c- for the newer Core Pack components, and you can add them to your page the same way you would add any other HTML element. In the following example, the oj-label and oj-input-date-time custom elements are added as child elements to a standard HTML div element.

<div id="div1">
  <oj-label for="dateTime">Default</oj-label>
  <oj-input-date-time id="dateTime" value='{{value}}'>

Each custom element can contain one or more of the following:

  • Attributes: Modifiers that affect the functionality of the element.

    String literals will be parsed and coerced to the property type. Oracle JET supports the following string literal type coercions: boolean, number, string, Object, Array, and any. The any type, if used by an element, is marked with an asterisk (*) in the element’s API documentation and coerced to Objects, Arrays, or strings.

    In the oj-input-date-time element defined above, value is an attribute that contains a Date object. It is defined using a binding expression that indicates whether the element’s ViewModel should be updated if the attribute’s value is updated.

    <oj-input-date-time id="dateTime" value='{{value}}'>

    The {{...}} syntax indicates that the element’s value property will be updated in the element’s ViewModel if it’s changed. To prevent the attribute’s value from updating the corresponding ViewModel, use the [[...]] syntax.

  • Methods: Supported methods

    Each custom element’s supported method is documented in its API.

  • Events: Supported events

    Events specific to the custom element are documented in its API. Define the listener’s method in the element’s ViewModel.

    var listener = function( event )
      // Check if this is the end of "inline-open" animation for inline message
      if (event.detail.action == "inline-open") {
        // Add any processing here

    Reference the listener using the custom element’s DOM attribute, JavaScript property, or the addEventListener().

    • Use the DOM attribute.

      Declare a listener on the custom element using on-event-name syntax.
      <oj-input-date-time on-oj-animate-start='[[listener]]'</oj-input-date-time>

      Note that in this example the listener is declared using the [[...]] syntax since its value is not expected to change.

    • Use the JavaScript property.

      Specify a listener in your ViewModel for the .onEventName property.

      myInputDateTime.onOjAnimateEnd = listener

      Note that the JavaScript property uses camelCase for the onOjAnimateEnd property. The camelCased properties are mapped to attribute names by inserting a dash before the uppercase letter and converting that letter to lower case, for example, on-oj-animate-end.

    • Use the addEventListener() API.

      myInputDateTime.addEventListener('ojAnimateEnd', listener);

    By default, JET components will also fire propertyChanged custom events whenever a property is updated, for example, valueChanged. You can define and add a listener using any of the three methods above. When referencing a propertyChanged event declaratively, use on-property-changed syntax.

    <oj-input-date-time value="{{currentValue}}" on-value-changed="{{valueChangedListener}}" </oj-input-date-time>
  • Slots

    Oracle JET elements can have two types of child content that determine the content’s placement within the element.

    • Any child element with a supported slot attribute will be moved into that named slot. All supported named slots are documented in the element’s API. Child elements with unsupported named slots will be removed from the DOM.

        <div slot='bottom'<oj-paging-control></oj-paging-control></div>
    • Any child element lacking a slot attribute will be moved to the default slot, also known as a regular child.

A custom element will be recognized only after its module is loaded by the app. Once the element is recognized, Oracle JET will register a busy state for the element and will begin the process of upgrading the element from a normal element to a custom element. The element will not be ready for interaction until the upgrade process is complete. The app should listen to either the page-level or element-scoped BusyContext before attempting to interact with any JET custom elements. However, property setting (but not property getting) is allowed before the BusyContext is initialized. See the BusyContext API documentation on how BusyContexts can be scoped.

The upgrade of custom elements relies on a binding provider which manages the data binding. The binding provider is responsible for setting and updating attribute expressions. Any custom elements within its managed subtree will not finish upgrading until the provider applies bindings on that subtree. By default, there is a single binding provider for a page, but subtree specific binding providers can be added by using the data-oj-binding-provider attribute with values of none and knockout. The default binding provider is knockout, but if a page or DOM subtree does not use any expression syntax or knockout, the app can set data-oj-binding-provider=”none" on that element so that its dependent JET custom elements do not wait for bindings to be applied to finish upgrading.

Other Common Functionality

Oracle JET custom elements also have the following functionality in common:

  • Context menus

    Custom elements support the slot attribute to add context menus to Oracle JET custom elements, described in each element’s API documentation.

      <-- use the contextMenu slot to designate this as the context menu for this component -->
      <oj-menu slot="contextMenu" style="display:none" aria-label="Some element's context menu"
  • Keyboard navigation and other accessibility features

    Oracle JET components that support keyboard navigation list the end user information in their API documentation. For additional information about Oracle JET components and accessibility, see Develop Accessible Oracle JET Apps.

  • Drag and drop

    Oracle JET includes support for standard HTML5 drag and drop and provides the dnd-polyfill library to extend HTML5 drag and drop behavior to supported mobile and desktop browsers. In addition, some Oracle JET custom elements such as oj-table support drag and drop behavior through the dnd attribute. For specific details, see the component’s API documentation and cookbook examples. To learn more about HTML5 drag and drop, see http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_draganddrop.asp.

  • Deferred rendering

    Many Oracle JET custom elements support the ability to defer rendering until the content shown using oj-defer. To use oj-defer, wrap it around the custom element.

    <oj-collapsible id="defer">
      <h4 id="hd" slot="header">Deferred Content</h4>
          <oj-module config='[[deferredRendering/content]]'>

    Add the deferred content to the app’s view and ViewModel, content.html and content.js, as specified in the oj-module definition. For the complete code example, see Collapsibles - Deferred Rendering.

    For a list of custom elements that support oj-defer, see oj-defer.

Custom Element Examples and References

The Oracle JET Cookbook and API Reference for Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (Oracle JET) provide examples that illustrate how to work with custom elements. In addition, the Cookbook provides demos with editing capability that allow you to modify the sample code directly and view the results without having to download the sample.

To learn more about the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) web component specification for custom elements, see Custom Elements.

About Oracle JET Reserved Namespaces and Prefixes

Oracle JET reserves the oj namespace and prefixes for the original set of UI components that predate the introduction of the Oracle JET Core Pack components in release 14.0.0. This includes, but is not limited to component names, namespaces, pseudo-selectors, public event prefixes, CSS styles, Knockout binding keys, and so on. Oracle JET also reserves the oj-c namespace for the newer Core Pack components.

About Binding and Control Flow

Oracle JET includes components and expressions to easily bind dynamic elements to a page in your app using Knockout.

Use oj-bind-text to Bind Text Nodes

Oracle JET supports binding text nodes to variables using the oj-bind-text element and by importing the ojknockout module.

The oj-bind-text element is removed from the DOM after binding is applied. For example, the following code sample shows an oj-input-text and an oj-button with a text node that are both bound to the buttonLabel variable. When the input text is updated, the button text is automatically updated as well.

<div id='button-container'>
   <oj-button id='button1'>
      <span><oj-bind-text value="[[buttonLabel]]"></oj-bind-text></span>
   <oj-label for="text-input">Update Button Label:</oj-label>
   <oj-input-text id="text-input" value="{{buttonLabel}}"></oj-input-text>

The script to create the viewModel for this example is shown below.

import * as ko from "knockout";
import "ojs/ojinputtext";
import "ojs/ojlabel";
import "ojs/ojbutton";

class ButtonModel {
  buttonLabel: ko.Observable<string>;

  constructor() {
    this.buttonLabel = ko.observable("My Button");

export = ButtonModel;
define(["knockout", "ojs/ojknockout", "ojs/ojbutton",
                       "ojs/ojinputtext", "ojs/ojlabel"], 

  function (ko) {

    function ButtonModel() {
      this.buttonLabel = ko.observable("My Button");

    return ButtonModel;


The figure below shows the output for the code sample.

This image contains two sections, each with a button and an oj-input-text with the label “Update Button Label”. In the first section, the button and the text box both contain the text “My Button”. In the second section, both contain the text “Click Me!”

The Oracle JET Cookbook contains the complete example used in this section. See Text Binding.

Bind HTML attributes

Oracle JET supports one-way attribute data binding for attributes on any HTML element by prefixing ':' to the attribute name and by importing the ojknockout module.

To use an HTML attribute in an HTML or JET element, prefix a colon to it. JET component-specific attributes do not need the prefix.

The following code sample shows two JET elements and two HTML elements that use both the prefixed and non-prefixed syntax. Since the label and input elements are native HTML elements, all of their data bound attributes should use the colon prefixing. The oj-label and oj-input-text use the prefix only for native HTML element attributes and the non-prefixed syntax for component-specific attributes.

<div id="demo-container">
  <oj-label for="[[inputId1]]">oj-input-text element</oj-label>
  <oj-input-text :id="[[inputId1]]" value="{{value}}"></oj-input-text>
  <label :for="[[inputId2]]">HTML input element</label>
  <input :id="[[inputId2]]" :value="[[value]]" style="width:100%;max-width:18em"/>

The script to create the view model for this example is shown below.

require(['ojs/ojbootstrap', 'knockout', 'ojs/ojinputtext', 'ojs/ojlabel', 'ojs/ojknockout'],
  function(Bootstrap, ko) 
    function ViewModel() 
      this.inputId1 = 'text-input1';
      this.inputId2 = 'text-input2';
      this.value = "This text value is bound.";

      function ()
        ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel(), document.getElementById('demo-container'));

The figure below shows the output for the code sample.

The Oracle JET Cookbook contains the complete example used in this section. See Attribute Binding.

Use oj-bind-if to Process Conditionals

Oracle JET supports conditional rendering of elements by using the oj-bind-if element and importing the ojknockout module.

The oj-bind-if element is removed from the DOM after binding is applied, and must be wrapped in another element such as a div if it is used for slotting. The slot attribute has to be applied to the wrapper since oj-bind-if does not support it. For example, the following code sample shows an image that is conditionally rendered based on the option chosen in an oj-buttonset.

<div id="demo-container">
<oj-buttonset-one class="oj-buttonset-width-auto" value="{{buttonValue}}">
  <oj-option id="onOption" value="on">On</oj-option>
  <oj-option id="offOption" value="off">Off</oj-option>
<div>Image will be rendered if the button is on:</div>
<oj-bind-if test="[[buttonValue() === 'on']]">
  <oj-avatar role="img" aria-label="Avatar of Amy Bartlet" size="md" initials="AB"
	src="../css/images/avatar-image.jpg" class="oj-avatar-image"></oj-avatar>

In the above example, the oj-avatar element is an icon which can display a custom or placeholder image. See oj-avatar.

The script to create the view model for this example is shown below.

import * as ko from "knockout";
import "ojs/ojknockout";
import "ojs/ojbutton";
import "ojs/ojavatar";

class ViewModel {
  buttonValue = ko.observable("off");
export = ViewModel;
define(['knockout', 'ojs/ojknockout', 'ojs/ojbutton', 'ojs/ojavatar'],
  function (ko) {
    function ViewModel() {
      this.buttonValue = ko.observable("off");
    return ViewModel;

The figure below shows the output for the code sample. When the oj-buttonset is set to 'on', the oj-avatar element is rendered and displayed.

The Oracle JET Cookbook contains the complete example used in this section. See If Binding.

Use oj-bind-for-each to Process Loop Instructions

Oracle JET supports processing loop instructions, such as binding items from an array by using the oj-bind-for-each element and by importing the ojknockout module.

The oj-bind-for-each element only accepts a single template element as its direct child. Any markup to be duplicated, such as li tags, must be placed inside the template tag. For example, the following code sample shows an unordered list nested inside another unordered list. The list items are created using an oj-bind-text tag inside nested oj-bind-for-each elements.

<div id="form-container">
    <oj-bind-for-each data="[[categories]]" data-oj-as="category">
            <oj-bind-for-each data="[[category.data.items]]">
              <template data-oj-as="item">
                  <oj-bind-text value="[[category.data.name + ' : ' + item.data]]"></oj-bind-text>

In the above example, the data-oj-as attribute provides an alias for the bound data. This alias is referenced in the nested oj-bind-for-each and oj-bind-text elements.

The script to create the view model for this example is shown below.

require(['knockout','ojs/ojbootstrap', 'ojs/ojknockout'],
  function (ko, Bootstrap)
    function SimpleModel()
      this.categories = 
      [ { name:"Fruit",items:["Apple","Orange","Banana"] },
        {name:"Vegetables",items:["Celery","Corn","Spinach"] }

      function ()
        ko.applyBindings(new SimpleModel(), document.getElementById('form-container'));

The figure below shows the output for the code sample.

The Oracle JET Cookbook contains the complete example used in this section. See Foreach Binding.

Bind Style Properties

The Oracle JET attribute binding syntax also supports Style attributes, which can be passed as an object or set using dot notation. The ojknockout module must be imported.

The style attribute binding syntax accepts an Object in which style properties should be referenced by their JavaScript names. Apps can also set style sub-properties using dot notation, which uses the CSS names for the properties. The code sample below shows two block elements with style attributes. The first element binds a style Object, while the second binds properties directly to the defined style attributes.

<div id="demo-container">
  <div :style="[[style]]">Data bound style attribute</div>
  <div :style.color="[[fontColor]]" :style.font-style="[[fontStyle]]">Data bound style using dot notation</div>

The script to create the view model for this example is shown below. The style object referenced above is highlighted below.

require(['ojs/ojbootstrap', 'knockout', 'ojs/ojinputtext', 'ojs/ojlabel', 'ojs/ojknockout'],
  function(Bootstrap, ko) 
    function ViewModel() 
      this.fontColor = "blue";
      this.fontStyle = "italic";
      this.style = {"fontWeight": "bold", "color": "red"};

      function ()
        ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel(), document.getElementById('demo-container'));

The figure below shows the output for the code sample.

The Oracle JET Cookbook contains the complete example used in this section. See Style Binding.

Bind Event Listeners to JET and HTML Elements

Oracle JET provides one-way attribute data binding for event listeners on JET and HTML elements using the on-[eventname] syntax and by importing the ojknockout module.

Oracle JET event attributes provide two key advantages over native HTML event listeners. First, they provide three parameters to the listener:

  • event: The DOM event, such as click or mouse over.

  • data: equal to bindingContext['$data']. When used in iterations, such as in an oj-bind-for-each, this parameter is the same as bindingContext['$current'].

  • bindingContext: The entire data binding context (or scope) that is applied to the element.

Second, they have access to the model state and can access functions defined in the ViewModel using the data and bindingContext parameters.


The this context is not directly available in the event listeners. This is the same behavior as native HTML event listeners.

For example, the following code sample shows an oj-button that uses the on-oj-action event attribute and an HTML button that uses the on-click event attribute to access custom functions defined in the ViewModel shown below.

<div id="demo-container">
  <oj-label for="button1">oj-button element</oj-label>
  <oj-button id="button1" on-oj-action="[[clickListener1]]">Click me!</oj-button>
  <label for="button2">HTML button element</label>
  <button id="button2" on-click="[[clickListener2]]">Click me!</button>
  <div style="font-weight:bold;color:#ea5b3f;">
    <oj-bind-text value="[[message]]"></oj-bind-text>


HTML events use the prefix “on”, such as onclick and onload. JET events use the prefix “on-”, such as on-click and on-load.

The script to create the view model for this example is shown below. Note the usage of the data attribute to access the message parameter.

require(['ojs/ojbootstrap', 'knockout', 'ojs/ojbutton', 'ojs/ojlabel', 'ojs/ojknockout'],
  function(Bootstrap, ko) 
    function ViewModel() 
      this.message = ko.observable();

      this.clickListener1 = function(event, data, bindingContext)
        data.message('oj-button is clicked');

      this.clickListener2 = function(event, data, bindingContext)
        data.message('HTML button is clicked');

      function ()
        ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel(), document.getElementById('demo-container'));

The figure below shows the output for the code sample.

The Oracle JET Cookbook contains the complete example used in this section. See Event Binding.

Bind Classes

The Oracle JET attribute binding syntax has enhanced support for the class attribute, and can accept in addition to a string, an object or an array. This can be used to set classes on components. The ojknockout module must be imported.

The :class attribute binding can support expressions that resolve to a space delimited string, an Array of class names, or an Object of class to a boolean value or expression for toggling the class in the DOM. Object values can be used to toggle classes on and off. Array and string values can be used only to set classes.

For example, the following code sample shows an oj-input-text and an HTML input that both use :class.

<oj-input-text id="input1"
               :class="[[{'oj-form-control-text-align-right': alignRight}]]"
               value="Text Content"></oj-input-text>
<oj-button id="button2" on-oj-action="[[clickListener2]]">Toggle Alignment</oj-button>

<input id="input2" :class="[[classArrayObs]]"
       value="Text Content" style="width:100%;max-width:18em"/>
<oj-button id="button1" on-oj-action="[[clickListener1]]">Add Class</oj-button>

The script to create the view model for this example is shown below.

require(['ojs/ojbootstrap', 'knockout', 'ojs/ojlabel', 'ojs/ojinputtext', 'ojs/ojbutton', 'ojs/ojknockout'],
  function(Bootstrap, ko) 
    function ViewModel() 
      this.alignRight = ko.observable(false);
      this.classArrayObs = ko.observableArray();
      var classList = ['pink', 'bold', 'italic'];
      var self = this;

      this.clickListener1 = function(event, data, bindingContext) {
        var newClass = classList.pop();

        // Disable the add button once we're out of classes
        if (classList.length === 0)
          document.getElementById('button1').disabled = true;

      this.clickListener2 = function(event, data, bindingContext) {

      function ()
        ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel(), document.getElementById('demo-container'));

The CSS class styles used by the classList variable above are shown below.

.bold {
  font-weight: bold;
.italic {
  font-style: italic;
.pink {
  color: #ff69b4;

The figure below shows the first of the two outputs for the code sample. The button acts as a toggle to switch on and off the oj-form-control-text-align-right class property and hence change the alignment of the text.

The figure below shows the second of the two outputs for the code sample. The button calls a function to take a pre-defined array of classes and add them to the input element. Each class has CSS modifications that come into effect when the class is added.

The Oracle JET Cookbook contains the complete example used in this section. See Class Binding.

Add an Oracle JET Component to Your Page

Use the Oracle JET Cookbook recipes and API documentation to locate examples that illustrate the specific element and functionality you want to add to your page.

If you haven't already, create the app that you will use for this exercise.

To add an Oracle JET custom element to your page:

  1. Using the Oracle JET Cookbook, select the Oracle JET element that you want to add.
  2. If you've set up your app using a Starter Template, or are using a page fragment, add the element to the define block.
  3. Follow the example’s recipe and add the markup to your HTML page. Modify the attributes to your need.
    <div id="div1">
      <oj-label for="dateTime">Default</oj-label>
      <oj-input-date-time id="dateTime" value='{{value}}'>
      <span class="oj-label">Current component value is:</span>
      <span><oj-bind-text value="[[value]]"></oj-bind-text></span>

    In this example, the oj-input-date-time element is declared with its value attribute using {{...}} expression syntax, which indicates that changes to the value will also update the corresponding value in the ViewModel. Each Oracle JET custom element includes additional attributes that are defined in the custom element's API documentation.

  4. Use the Oracle JET Cookbook for example scripts and the syntax to use for adding the custom element’s Require module and ViewModel to your RequireJS bootstrap file or module.

    For example, the basic demo for oj-input-date-time includes the following script that you can use in your app.

    require(['ojs/ojbootstrap, 'knockout', 'ojs/ojvalidation-base', 'ojs/ojknockout', 'ojs/ojdatetimepicker', 'ojs/ojtimezonedata', 'ojs/ojlabel'], 
      require(['knockout', 'ojs/ojbootstrap',
               'ojs/ojconverterutils-i18n', 'ojs/ojknockout',
               'ojs/ojdatetimepicker', 'ojs/ojlabel'],
      function (Bootstrap, ko, ConverterUtilsI18n)
        function SimpleModel()
          this.value = ko.observable(ConverterUtilsI18n.IntlConverterUtils.dateToLocalIso(new Date(2020, 0, 1)));
          function ()
            ko.applyBindings(new SimpleModel(), document.getElementById('div1'));

    If you already have a RequireJS bootstrap file or module, compare your file with the Cookbook sample and merge in the differences. For details about working with RequireJS, see Use RequireJS for Modular Development.

The Cookbook sample used in this section is the Date and Time Pickers demo.

Add Animation Effects

You can use the oj-module component’s animation property in conjunction with the ModuleAnimations namespace to configure animation effects when the user transitions between or drills into views. If you’re not using oj-module, you can use the AnimationUtils namespace instead to add animation to Oracle JET components or HTML elements.

Adding Animation Effects Using the oj-module Component

The ModuleAnimations namespace includes pre-configured implementations that you can use to configure the following animation effects:

  • coverStart: The new view slides in to cover the old view.

  • coverUp: The new view slides up to cover the old view.

  • drillIn: Animation effect is platform-dependent.

    • Web and iOS: coverStart

    • Android: coverUp

  • drillOut: Animation effect is platform-dependent.

    • Web and iOS: revealEnd

    • Android: revealDown

  • fade: The new view fades in and the old view fades out.

  • goLeft: Navigate to sibling view on the left. Default effect is platform-dependent.

    • Web and iOS: none

    • Android: pushRight

  • goRight: Navigate to sibling view on the right. Default effect is platform-dependent.

    • Web and iOS: none

    • Android: pushLeft

  • pushLeft: The new view pushes the old view out to the left.

  • pushRight: The new view pushes the old view out to the right.

  • revealDown: The old view slides down to reveal the new view.

  • revealEnd: The new view slides left or right to reveal the new view, depending on the locale.

  • zoomIn: The new view zooms in.

  • zoomOut: The old view zooms out.

For examples that illustrate how to add animation with the oj-module component, see Animation Effects with Module Component.

Adding Animation Effects Using AnimationUtils

The AnimationUtils namespace includes methods that you can use to configure the following animation effects on HTML elements and Oracle JET components:

  • collapse: Use for collapsing the element

  • expand: Use for expanding the element

  • fadeIn and fadeOut: Use for fading the element into and out of view.

  • flipIn and flipOut: Use for rotating the element in and out of view.

  • ripple: Use for rippling the element.

  • slideIn and slideOut: Use for sliding the element into and out of view.

  • zoomIn and zoomOut: Using for zooming the element into and out of view.

Depending on the method’s options, you can configure properties like delay, duration, and direction. For examples that illustrate how to configure animation using the AnimationUtils namespace, see Animation Effects.

Manage the Visibility of Added Component

Follow the recommended best practice when you programmatically manage the display of Oracle JET components in the DOM.

If you manage the display of collection components and other complex component by using the CSS display property values of none or block, you may also need to use Components.subtreeHidden(node) when you hide a component and Components.subtreeShown(node) when you display the component. The node parameter refers to the root of the subtree in the DOM for the component that you are hiding or displaying. You need to notify Oracle JET if you change the display status of these types of component to ensure that the component instance continues to work correctly in the app.

Use of these methods is demonstrated in Masonry Layout Deferred Rendering in the Oracle JET Cookbook where they hide and show additional content in a tile that the oj-masonry-layout component resizes.

Not all components where you programmatically manage the display require you to notify Oracle JET when you change their display state. Components such as oj-collapsible, oj-dialog, and oj-popup are examples of components where you do not need to call Components.subtreeHidden(node) or Components.subtreeShown(node). These components manage rendering when visibility is changed and also manage any components that they contain. Similarly, you do not need to use these methods in conjunction with the oj-bind-if component because Oracle JET rewrites the appropriate part of the DOM in response to the evaluation of the oj-bind-if component’s test condition.

Failure to use the subtreeHidden and subtreeShown methods to notify Oracle JET when you hide or show a component can result in unexpected behavior for the component, such as failure to render data or failure to honor other component attribute settings. For more information about the subtreeHidden and subtreeShown methods, see API Reference for Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (Oracle JET).