Oracle JET 17.0.0

Virtual DOM App Architecture Learning Paths

Follow these sequential learning paths to experience end-to-end app development with the Oracle JET virtual DOM architecture.

Your First Oracle JET Virtual DOM App

Learn how to create a simple virtual DOM app that contains several Oracle JET components, how to debug the app, and then prepare the app for deployment.

Compose Components

Learn how to compose components in a virtual DOM app.

Design with Responsive Layout Components

Learn how to convert the page layout of a virtual DOM app with Oracle JET components to use responsive layout.

Create Master Detail Views in Oracle JET

Learn how to create a virtual DOM app that reads hierarchical data from a local JSON document and displays the data in master-detail views using Oracle JET components.

Implement CRUD Operations with a REST Service

Learn how to create a virtual DOM app with Oracle JET components that reads data from a REST service and modifies the data within the application.

End-to-End Testing in Oracle JET

Learn how to set up an environment where you create and run UI automation tests to run against your Oracle JET web apps.