Description of maf_architecture.png

Shows the MAF client data model runtime architecture that runs inside the Java VM on a device. The MAF client data model provides three classes (EntityCRUDService, DBPersistenceManager, and a RestJSONPersistenceManager) that the runtime architecture uses. The diagram illustrates the relationship of these classes by using a concrete example, a Department. The Department is represented by a DepartmentService data control that relies on a DepartmentService class to extend the EntityCRUDService class to provide the CRUD operations that you need to manage department data. The DepartmentService class also uses the DBPersistenceManager class to prepare and execute JDBC statements against the Departments table in the SQLite database that is installed on the user’s device. The DBPersistenceManager, RestJSONPersistenceManager, and DepartmentService classes all read the persistence-mapping.xml file that stores the information that maps the relationship between the attributes in the various locations (database table columns, Java class attributes, and REST payload). The MAF client data model uses the RestJSONPersistenceManager class to interact with the remote web service by sending HTTP requests (POST, GET, and so on).