What's New in This Guide for MAF Release 2.6.0

The following topics introduce the new and changed features of Oracle Mobile Application Development Framework (Oracle MAF) and other significant changes, which are described in this guide.

New and Changed Features for MAF Release 2.6.0

Oracle MAF Release 2.6.0 includes the following new and changed development features, which are described in this guide.

  • For MAF applications on the iOS platform, you must use Xcode 10.x to build and release your MAF applications for this release. For more information, see Using Xcode 10.x with MAF 2.6.0.
  • MAF applications on iOS 12 devices can receive voice commands issued by Siri. For information about how to integrate this capability into your MAF application, see Implementing Sirikit for Use on iOS Devices.
  • You can now configure a single sign-on connection in a MAF application to remember the user’s ID for subsequent logins by adding <enableRememberUserName value="true"/> to the connection. See How to Configure Single Sign-On in a MAF Application.
  • MAF applications on Android must now use Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) rather than Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), which has been deprecated by Google. For information about how to migrate to use FCM, see Migrating an Application to MAF 2.6.0.