Alert Data Archive

Cases and alerts are normally created by matching working data with reference data. Information from both types of data can be copied into cases and alerts, and can be used when making manual decisions.

It is possible for both working data and reference data to change over time. When this happens, any related alerts will be updated with the new data. However, it is important to be able to see the data as it was when any decisions were made.

In order to make this possible, Case Management archives the data in an alert whenever its state is changed. If, in the future, a change is made to the data, the audit log will show a historic data icon against any changes which were made using the old data.


All data changes that are passed through into Case Management can trigger a historic data archive, not just changes to flag key data.

If you click on a historic data icon next to a state change, an extra tab will be opened in the details area above the audit log, showing the data at the time of the state change.