Comparison: Exact Date Match

The Exact Date Match comparison is a simple comparison that determines whether or not two date values/date arrays match.

Use the Exact Date Match comparison to find date matches, for example, when matching people using a Date of Birth identifier. The Exact Date Match comparison allows you to configure how tightly to match two dates - for example to ignore the year and century such that dates will match if the day and month are the same, so that for example "11/01/1901" will match "11/01/1970".

This comparison does not support the use of result bands.

Example Configuration

In this example, the Exact Date Match comparison is used on a Date of Birth identifier to match people using their date and month of birth. The following options are specified:

Match No Data pairs? = No

Ignore day? = No

Ignore month? = No

Ignore year? = Yes

Ignore century? = any value (not applicable as Ignore Year = True)

Time zone = Director Time Zone

Example Results

The following table shows comparison results:

Table 1-66 Example Results: Exact Date Match

Value A Value B Comparison Result








