Defining Actions

Actions are defined in the Action dialog, which can be accessed from the Reception tab on the Workflow Editor, within Case Management Administration. Open the dialog by clicking the 'Add...' button under the Actions list to create a new action, or by clicking on an existing action and clicking the 'Edit...' button to edit it.

The action dialog contains the following fields:

  • The name is mandatory, and is used in other parts of the user interface to identify the action. It should be populated with a memorable and meaningful value.

  • The description is optional. This field can be used to provide more verbose information detailing the action's use.

  • The Condition is specified as a JavaScript expression which will be evaluated for every case or alert that is evaluated by reception rules. An action is only applied to a case or alert if the condition evaluates to true for that case or alert. Specifying a condition is optional; if no condition is specified, the action will be applied to all new cases and alerts, and all cases or alerts whose attached data (in any attribute included in the case source) has changed. More details on defining conditions are available in the Defining Conditions topic.

  • The Transition field allows you to specify a transition to be applied to the case or alert as part of the action. Specifying a transition is optional.

  • The case 'Attributes' and 'Extended Attributes' lists display the changes that will be made to the attributes and extended attributes of the case or alert when the action is applied. The upper box displays the changes that will be made to the case or alert attributes; the lower one displays those for the extended attributes.

Defining Attribute and Extended Attribute Actions

The changes that will be made to the attribute and extended attribute values when the action is applied are displayed in the Attribute and Extended Attribute lists.

To add an action to either list, press on the '+' button below it. To edit an existing action, double-click on it. To delete an action, click on it in the list and press the '-' button under the list.

The dialog for adding or editing an action of either kind is requires only that the attribute, or extended attribute, and its new value is specified. The control used to enter the new value for the attribute will change, according to the attribute type.

Press OK when you have set the attribute and value you require.

Example - Setting Priorities

Suppose that a business requirement has been identified such that the most likely matches should be handled first. Alerts with a match priority score of 85 or above should be treated as high priority, and will also have the escalation flag set. Alerts with a match priority score between 75 and 84 are of medium priority.

For example, you configure a reception rule which sets the Priority to 'High' and sets the escalation flag to 'true' for new cases if the value of matchPriorityScore is greater than, or equal to, 85.

Possible matches with a matchPriorityScore is between 75-84 should have their priority set to 'Medium', and need not be escalated.

Example - Automatic State Transition

The following action imposes an automatic 'freeze account' transition on any items that trigger the condition. The condition is specific to alerts only, and detects alerts which were already in the state 'Close Account Required' and where a change has occurred in the update key:

Name: Freeze account

Description: Freezes accounts

Condition (JavaScript):

caseData.caseType=='issue' &&
updateKeyChanged=='true' &&
caseData.currentState=='Close Account Required'

Transition: Freeze Account Required [Sanctions Freeze Account]