
The Launchpad controls access to the EDQ applications, and global navigation links such as Administration, Dashboard, and Web Services. To access all the pages and options available to you, use the Launchpad's login functionality, by selecting Log In from the top right of the screen.

Once logged in, you can see the full list of navigation links and applications that you have permission to access. If you navigate to a page that requires authentication, you are directed through the log in page.

Once you are logged in you have access to a user menu by clicking on your user name in the top right of the screen. This provides access to log out and change password functionality (a Change Password option is only available if using an internal realm).

In the global navigation Launchpad and Dashboard are both buttons that take you to those pages, whereas Administration and Web Services are menus that allow you to chose from a set of more specific pages. The Web Services menu contains Web Services and Web Service Tester. The Administration menu contains pages for each of the sections Users, Groups, External Groups, Sessions, Extensions and Launchpad Configuration.

Upon entering one of these pages there will be a left hand navigation panel to move between pages within that global navigation section more fluidly, with your current page being highlighted.

To navigate back to the Launchpad screen, select Launchpad.