Make Array from Inputs

The Make Array from Inputs processor creates an array from the attributes input to it.

Use Make Array from Inputs to create a single attribute containing an array of the input attributes, for further processing.

The following table describes the configuration options:

Configuration Description


Specify a number of String or String Array attributes from which you want to create an array. The order of the inputs is used to drive the elements in the array (that is, the first attribute input will be the first element of the array, the second attribute will be the second element, etc.)




Describes any data attribute or flag attribute outputs.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are output:

  • Array: stores the array created from the input attributes. Value an array created from the input attributes.



The Make Array from Inputs processor presents no summary statistics on its processing.

In the Data view, the input attributes are shown with the new added array attribute to its right.

Output Filters

None. All records input are output.


You can use Make Array from Inputs to create an AddressArray attribute.

Drill-down on the array attribute to see the full data in the array.