Processor States

There are many possible states of a processor. The appearance of a processor will vary depending on its state.

The following table shows a Quickstats Profiler processor, in all the possible states, with an explanation of each state:

Icon Processor State Description

Disconnected icon


The processor is not connected.

Connected and configured, not yet run icon

Connected and configured, not yet run

The processor is connected and has a valid configuration, but has not yet been run. The re-run marker appears as it needs to be run to produce results.

Connected and configured, results up-to-date icon

Connected and configured, results up-to-date

The processor is connected, has a valid configuration, and has been run. Its results are up-to-date, so no re-run marker appears.

Connected and Configured, results out of date icon

Connected and configured, results out-of-date

The processor is connected, has a valid configuration, and has been run. The re-run marker appears because the processor results are out-of-date, because a configuration change that affects its results has been made since the process last ran.

Note: A processor may be marked as out-of-date if a job that uses it is deleted.

Errored icon


The processor is connected but has an invalid configuration; that is, it cannot run as required configuration is missing or invalid. Hovering over the processor will display a tooltip describing the error. Double-click the processor to configure it and correct the error.