Exclude Configuration Area from FTP/SFTP

If non-admin users are allowed access to FTP/SFTP, it is advisable to remove access to the configuration folder from the SFTP server, as follows:

  1. Create the folders extras/ftpserver/conf and extras/sshd/conf within oedq.local.home, if they do not already exist.
  2. Copy the files extras/ftpserver/conf/ftpserver.xml and extras/sshd/conf/sshd.xml from the oedq.home configuration directory to the corresponding subfolders of oedq.local.home.
  3. In each of the two files from the previous stage, comment out the following lines:
    <!-- Configuration area -->
    <ref bean="configspaces"/>
    <!-- Command areas -->
    <ref bean="commandspaces"/>

    The first reference is to the configuration directories; the second is to the command areas used for external tasks.

  4. Restart the application server. The only location visible to the FTP and SFTP servers is now the landing area.