Kerberos Shared Libraries

The shared libraries (wingss.dll and required for Kerberos integration are shipped inside the edq.war file. For most installations this is sufficient since EDQ can determine the location of the shared libraries and load the right version automatically.

However, this automatic loading does not work with all Java Runtime Environments (JREs), and notably it does not work with the IBM JRE. For these installations the libraries need to be extracted from the provided file and copied to a known location on disk. The location must then be added to the following environment variables such that the JRE can find it:

  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux, Solaris)


  • PATH (Windows)

Examine the native/ archived provided with the EDQ install and verify it contains the following files:

  • aix/ppc/libunixgss.a

  • aix/ppc64/libunixgss.a

  • linux/amd64/

  • linux/i386/

  • win32/amd64/wingss.dll

  • win32/x86/wingss.dll

Extract the relevant library for the OS the EDQ server runs on, and copy it to a location on a disk accessible by the user EDQ runs as. This location needs to be added to the environment variables mentioned above, so the JRE can find the library.