Deleting the Current baseDN Data in Bulk

Since the directory in the target 12c environment is created with a baseDN that is most likely a duplicate name, you should remove the duplicate baseDN from the 12c environment before you execute the bulkload. This deletion ensures that there are no conflicts with the bulkload.

Do the following on the first target 12c directory host only. All tool execution requires that you set the environment variables for Oracle Internet Directory tools. See Environment Variables for Oracle Internet Directory Tools.

Run the following command:
bulkdelete connect=TNS_ENTRY basedn="YOUR_BASEDN" cleandb="TRUE" verbose="TRUE"
  • TNS_ENTRY is the entry found in ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/tnsnames.ora.
  • YOUR_BASEDN is the baseDN for the OAM config store.
For example:
bulkdelete connect=OIDDB basedn="dc=com" cleandb="TRUE" verbose="TRUE"

Output example:

This tool can only be executed if you know database user password for OID
Reading entries under BaseDN "dc=com"...
bulkdelete(1): 192 entries deleted...
192 Entries have been deleted.