Upgrade Assistant Readiness Check Fails: Oracle WSM Datasource Connection Details

When you reconfigure the domain, the upgrade assistant readiness check fails with the exception Failed to read the Oracle WSM datasource connection details.

The following exception is displayed:
[2019-09-22T23:14:50.828-04:00] [WSM] [INCIDENT_ERROR] []
[upgrade.WSM.WSMPLUGIN] [tid: 105] [ecid:
33feff0a-000a-49d1-88c7-2ae23c9712d9-00000002,0] [[
oracle.ias.update.exception.UpgradeException: WSMERROR-00015:
Failed to read the Oracle WSM datasource connection details.
at oracle.wsm.lifecycle.upgrade.impl.WSMUpgradePlugin.
at oracle.wsm.lifecycle.upgrade.impl.WSMUpgradePlugin.
at oracle.ias.update.plugin.Plugin.readiness(Plugin.java:595)

To solve this error, complete the steps mentioned in Doc ID 2289605.1.