3 Wiring Components to Work Together
Service providers can publish endpoint information about their services, and clients of these services to query and bind to these services. You can wire particular Oracle Fusion Middleware components together and you can change the current wiring of components.
- About Service Tables
A service table provides a way for service providers to publish endpoint information about their services, and clients of these services to query and bind to these services. A service table is a single table in a database schema. There is one row for every endpoint that is published to it. The service table schema is initially created by the Repository Creation Utility. - Viewing Service Tables
You can view the service tables using Fusion Middleware Control. - Wiring Components Together
When you install and configure Oracle Fusion Middleware, most of the cross-component wiring is automatically performed. However, there may be cases when you want to connect another component or to change the current wiring.
Parent topic: Basic Administration
About Service Tables
A service table provides a way for service providers to publish endpoint information about their services, and clients of these services to query and bind to these services. A service table is a single table in a database schema. There is one row for every endpoint that is published to it. The service table schema is initially created by the Repository Creation Utility.
See Understanding the Service Table Schema in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility for information about the service table schema.
The local service table is associated with a domain. It contains endpoints that are offered by that domain. For the local service table, the data source name is LocalSvcTblDataSource.
For example, by default, the service table contains endpoint information for Oracle Web Services Manager and Fusion Middleware Control.
Parent topic: Wiring Components to Work Together
Viewing Service Tables
You can view the service tables using Fusion Middleware Control.
To view service tables:
Parent topic: Wiring Components to Work Together
Wiring Components Together
When you install and configure Oracle Fusion Middleware, most of the cross-component wiring is automatically performed. However, there may be cases when you want to connect another component or to change the current wiring.
For example:
To connect Oracle HTTP Server to the Administration Server, so that it is connected to Fusion Middleware Control and the Administration Console. See Wiring Oracle HTTP Server to the Administration Server.
To connect Oracle HTTP Server to an Oracle WebLogic Server cluster or server, so that applications can be routed through Oracle HTTP Server to the cluster or server. See Routing Applications Through Oracle HTTP Server to Oracle WebLogic Server.
To connect the Oracle Web Services Manager agent to the Policy Manager. See Using Cross-Component Wiring for Auto-Discovery of Policy Manager in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.
- Viewing the Component End Points
- Wiring Oracle HTTP Server to the Administration Server
- Routing Applications Through Oracle HTTP Server to Oracle WebLogic Server
Parent topic: Wiring Components to Work Together
Viewing the Component End Points
Parent topic: Wiring Components Together
Wiring Oracle HTTP Server to the Administration Server
You can connect Oracle HTTP Server to the Administration Server so that you can access Fusion Middleware Control and the Administration Console through the Oracle HTTP Server, as described in the following topics:
- Why Wire Oracle HTTP Server to the Administration Server?
- Connecting Oracle HTTP Server to the Administration Server
Parent topic: Wiring Components Together
Why Wire Oracle HTTP Server to the Administration Server?
By default, you can access Fusion Middleware Control and the WebLogic Server Administration Console by directly accessing the Administration Server and the default Administration port (7001). For example:
However, in many cases, only the Oracle HTTP Server instances in the Web tier are exposed to the Internet as part of a DMZ, and the application tier (where the Administration Server resides) is protected by an additional firewall. In those cases, you can configure the Oracle HTTP Server instances in the Web tier to route any requests to the management consoles to the Administration Server. This allows administrators to access the management consoles from outside the firewall using the standard front-end URL, which is used to access the Oracle HTTP Server instances. Configuring the Web server in this way can also serve as a way of verifying the configuration of your domain, in preparation for deploying applications. When you deploy applications to the application tier, you can then configure Oracle HTTP Server in a similar manner so your application users can access the applications through the front-end HTTP Server instance URL
For a more complete example of how you might configure Oracle HTTP Server as part of a Web tier, see Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for High Availability in the High Availability Guide.
Parent topic: Wiring Oracle HTTP Server to the Administration Server
Connecting Oracle HTTP Server to the Administration Server
To connect Oracle HTTP Server to the Administration Server:
From the navigation pane, expand HTTP Server.
Select an Oracle HTTP Server instance, such as ohs1.
The Oracle HTTP Server page is displayed.
From the Oracle HTTP Server menu, select Administration, then mod_wl_ohs Configuration.
To connect to the Administration Server, you can choose to select a cluster or a host.
If you select Provide WebLogic Server Host and Port Details, provide the following details:
For WebLogic Host, enter the host name for the Administration Server.
Alternatively, you can click the search icon. Then, select the Administration Server and click OK. The fields are filled in automatically.
For WebLogic Port, enter the server port for the Administration Server.
If you select Provide WebLogic Cluster Details for WebLogic Cluster, enter the cluster name. Alternatively, you can click the search icon. Then, select the cluster and click OK. The fields are filled in automatically.
Then, enter the following information:
For Dynamic Server List ON, check it if you want the server list to be automatically updated.
Error Page, enter the URL of a page to be shown when the server is unable to forward requests.
For WebLogic Temp Directory, enter the absolute path for a temporary directory for Oracle WebLogic Server.
For Exclude Path or Mime Type, enter paths or mime types to be excluded from being proxied.
For WebLogic SSL Versions, select a type.
In the Locations section, click AutoFill.
All valid WebLogic Server endpoint locations are displayed.
From the table, select
. -
To add the Administration Console:
Click Add Row.
For location, enter
. -
For WebLogic Host, enter the host name for the Administration Server.
For Port, enter the Administration Server port number.
Click Apply.
Shutdown the Oracle HTTP Server instance, then start it again.
Parent topic: Wiring Oracle HTTP Server to the Administration Server
Routing Applications Through Oracle HTTP Server to Oracle WebLogic Server
To connect Oracle HTTP Server so that requests are routed through Oracle HTTP Server to Oracle WebLogic Server:
Parent topic: Wiring Components Together