A Validating OID Instances and Setting Environment Variables

As part of the pre-upgrade assessment process, you have to ensure that the OID instances are running and set the necessary environment variables.

This part contains the following topics:

Validating that the OID1 Instances are Running

You can validate the running OID1 instance on the first Oracle Internet Directory server in each environment by running the following command:

ps -ef | grep oidldapd | grep -v grep | wc -l

If the command results in 0 (zero), it means that the instance is not running.

Setting Environment Variables for Oracle Internet Directory Tools

This section describes the additional variables that need to be set on both the 11g source and 12c Oracle Internet Directory instance hosts in the target environment:

Examples of Locations

ORACLE_HOME: The location of the base of the Oracle Internet Directory installation.

For example:


ORACLE_INSTANCE: The location of the base of each Oracle Internet Directory instance configuration.

Example of location for 11g:


Example of location for 12c:


TNS_ADMIN: The location within the ORACLE_INSTANCE where the database connection file, tnsnames.ora, is located.

For example:


JAVA_HOME: The location of the base Java installation.

For example:


ASERVER_HOME: The base location of the Administration FMW domain.

For example:


MSERVER_HOME: The location of the Oracle Internet Directory instance domain for 12c.

For example:


APPLICATION_HOME: The location of the domain’s application files.

For example:
