Oracle Identity Manager Server Throws OutOfMemoryError

When you start the servers post upgrade, OutOfMemoryError is thrown.

The following error is seen in the OIM server logs for this issue:

[oim_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] 
[oracle.iam.oimdataproviders.impl] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '9' for 
queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: xelsysadm] [ecid: 
5679ce10-f0df-457f-88f1-6bc04e10aa13-000013b1,0] [APP: oim-runtime] 
[partition-name: DOMAIN] [tenant-name: GLOBAL] [DSID: 
0000Lg0PPYTBd5I_Ipt1if1OpGGi00000U] RM_DEBUG_PERF - 2017-03-24 06:09:51.087 - 
search criteria = arg1 = (usr_key) EQUAL arg2 = (1)[[ 
 query = Select usr.usr_key, usr.usr_status  from usr where usr.usr_key = ? 
 time = 1 
[2017-03-24T06:09:52.286-07:00] [oim_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] 
[oracle.iam.oimdataproviders.impl] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '9' for 
queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: xelsysadm] [ecid: 
5679ce10-f0df-457f-88f1-6bc04e10aa13-000013b1,0] [APP: oim-runtime] 
[partition-name: DOMAIN] [tenant-name: GLOBAL] [DSID: 
[2017-03-24T06:11:52.171-07:00] [oim_server1] [ERROR] [ADFC-50018] 
[oracle.adfinternal.controller.application.AdfcExceptionHandler] [tid: 
[ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '27' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default 
(self-tuning)'] [userId: xelsysadm] [ecid: 
5679ce10-f0df-457f-88f1-6bc04e10aa13-000013e0,0] [APP: 
oracle.iam.console.identity.self-service.ear] [partition-name: DOMAIN] 
[tenant-name: GLOBAL] [DSID: 0000Lg0RtM9Bd5I_Ipt1if1OpGGi00000V] ADFc: No 
exception handler was found for an application exception.[[ 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded ]

To resolve this issue, do the following (on Linux):

  1. Ensure that you set the following parameters in the /etc/security/limits.conf file, to the specified values:
    FUSION_USER_ACCOUNT soft nofile 32767
    FUSION_USER_ACCOUNT hard nofile 327679
  2. Ensure that you set UsePAM to Yes in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
  3. Restart sshd.
  4. Log out (or reboot) and log in to the system again.
Before you start the Oracle Identity Manager 12c Server, run the following command to increase the limit of open files, so that you do not hit into memory issues:

limit maxproc 16384