2 Obtaining and Running Repository Creation Utility

Use these instructions to obtain and run the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to create and drop schemas.

Obtaining RCU

In 12c, RCU is available with the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure distribution.

For information about how to install and obtain RCU, see Installing the Infrastructure Software in Installing and Configuring the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

Starting RCU

After you install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure and create your Oracle home, you can start RCU from the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin directory.


  • If you run the RCU by using a non-English database, you will need to set the following language environment variables: LANG, LC_ALL, and NLS_LANG. Use the environment commands that are appropriate for your environment.

    For example, for UNIX operating systems running csh run the following:

    setenv LANG en_US.UTF8
    setenv LC_ALL $LANG
    setenv NLS_LANG american_america
  • To start RCU, you do not need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. But, in case you want to use a specific JDK, ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the location of a certified JDK on your system.

    For example, on UNIX operating systems, if your JDK is located in /home/Oracle/Java/:
    setenv JAVA_HOME /home/Oracle/Java/jdk1.8.0_211

    Be sure to replace the JDK location in this example with the actual JDK location on your system.

On Linux operating systems:

cd ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin

On Windows operating systems:

cd ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\bin


For Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S) database, Oracle Data Integrator supports only RCU silent mode for schema loading. For more information, see Starting the Repository Creation Utility (RCU).
RCU provides a command-line interface in situations where Xserver is not available or you have access to telnet terminals without display capabilities. The command-line interface also allows you to embed RCU from command-line scripts or with some Oracle Fusion Middleware components (for example, Enterprise Manager).

For more information about using the Command Line Interface (CLI), see Running Repository Creation Utility from the Command Line.

Creating Schemas

Follow these instructions to create schemas in the database and verify that they are installed properly.


The following sections are not applicable when you create schemas for Oracle GoldenGate products on Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)) as you need to run RCU in silent mode for Oracle GoldenGate. See Run RCU for Oracle GoldenGate on ATP databases in silent mode.

To create schemas for WebLogic Server on an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S), see Creating Schemas for WebLogic Server on an ATP-S Database and Run RCU for Oracle WebLogic Server on ATP-S database in silent mode.

Creating Schemas as a User with Full SYS or SYSDBA Privileges

If you are a user with full SYS or SYSDBA privileges and are able to provide valid authentication credentials for database access, follow these instructions to create schemas.

Click the screen name to see detailed information for that screen. Unless otherwise noted, click Next to continue to the next screen.

Table 2-1 Schema Creation Steps for Full-Privilege Users

Screen Description


This screen introduces you to RCU.

Create Repository

Select Create Repository, then select System Load and Product Load.

If you do not have full SYS or SYSDBA privileges on the database, select Prepare Scripts for System Load and follow the schema creation instructions in Creating Schemas as a User With Limited Database Privileges.

For an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), you must create schemas as a Normal user, and though, you do not have full SYS or SYSDBA privileges on the database, you must select System Load and Product Load.

Database Connection Details

Specify your database connection credentials.

Remember that if you are creating schemas on an IBM DB2 database, you must have already created one operating system user for each schema that you want to create. See Additional Requirements for IBM DB2 Databases for more information.

Click Next when you have specified your credentials. A separate dialog window appears while RCU checks connectivity and the database prerequisites. When the database checking has passed without errors, click OK to dismiss the dialog window and go to the next screen.

If you are creating schemas on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), you receive a warning message on selecting the database user role as Normal. You can ignore the warning and continue with the schema creation. For more information, see Troubleshooting Tips for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.

Select Components (for Create Operation)

Select the components for which you want to create schemas, and specify a prefix to group them together.

You must remember the prefix and schema names for the components you are installing; you need this information during the configuration phase of your product installation. Oracle recommends that you write down these values.

Schema Passwords

Specify the passwords for your schema owners.

You must remember the passwords you enter on this screen; you need this information during the configuration phase of your product installation. Oracle recommends that you write down these values.

Custom Variables

Use the Custom Variables screen to specify additional product configuration information.

The Custom Variables screen appears only if you selected one or more of the following components on the Select Components screen. You can select a component on the Select Components screen only if the Oracle home in which RCU was started contains that component.

Map Tablespaces

Use this screen to configure the desired tablespace mapping for the schemas that you want to create.

When you click Next, a separate dialog window appears asking you to confirm that you want to create these tablespaces. Click OK to proceed and dismiss the dialog window.

A second dialog window appears showing the progress of tablespace creation. After the tablespaces are created, click OK to dismiss this window and go to the next screen.

Summary (for Create Operation)

Verify the information on this screen, then click Create to begin schema creation.

Completion Summary (for Create Operation)

Review the information on this screen to verify that the operation was completed successfully. Click Close to complete the schema creation and dismiss RCU.

Creating Schemas as a User With Limited Database Privileges

If you are a user without SYS or SYSDBA privileges, follow these instructions to create schemas.


To create schemas in PDB using a user other than SYSDBA, RCU users need to create a common user and grant DBA to that common user, before running RCU. Local user with DBA privilege will not work correctly.

To create schemas on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), a user with limited database privileges needs to follow the steps in Create Repository in Table 2-1.

Table 2-2 Schema Creation Steps for Limited-Privilege Users

Screen Description


This screen introduces you to RCU.

Create Repository

Select Create Repository, then select Prepare Scripts for System Load.

See About System Load and Product Load for more information about these operations.

Database Connection Details

Specify your database connection credentials.

Click Next when you have specified your credentials. A separate dialog window appears while RCU checks connectivity and the database prerequisites. When the database checking has passed without errors, click OK to dismiss the dialog window and go to the next screen.


Performing system load and product load separately is only supported on Oracle and Oracle EBR databases.

Select Components (for Create Operation)

Select the components for which you want to create schemas, and specify a prefix to group them together.

You must remember the prefix and schema names for the components you are installing; you need this information during the configuration phase of your product installation. Oracle recommends that you write down these values.

Custom Variables

Use the Custom Variables screen to specify additional product configuration information.

The Custom Variables screen appears only if you selected one or more of the following components on the Select Components screen. You can select a component on the Select Components screen only if the Oracle home in which RCU was started contains that component.

Map Tablespaces

Use this screen to configure the desired tablespace mapping for the schemas that you want to create.

Summary (for Create Operation)

Verify the information on this screen, then click Generate to begin script generation.

By default, the scripts are generated in the RCUdate_timestamp_random_number/logs directory inside the temporary directory on your system. For example, on UNIX operating systems, the scripts are generated in the /tmp/RCUdate_timestamp_random_number/logs directory, by default. If you want to specify a different location, click Browse and select a location on your system.

The names of the scripts generated are script_systemLoad.sql and script_postDataLoad.sql.

Completion Summary (for Create Operation)

Review the information on this screen to verify that the operation was completed successfully. Click Close to complete the script generation and dismiss RCU.


After the scripts are created, user with SYS or SYSDBA privileges must execute the script_systemLoad.sql script:

  1. Sign in to SQL*Plus.

  2. Enter the following command to execute the script_systemLoad.sql script (replace the path to the script if you chose to save it in a custom location):

  3. While the script is running, the user is prompted to set the schema password for each schema being created. Specify the passwords as prompted.

    You are returned to your system prompt when the script has been executed.


After the script is executed, start RCU again and perform the product load phase to complete schema creation.


This screen introduces you to RCU.

Create Repository

Select Create Repository, then select Perform Product Load.

See About System Load and Product Load for more information about these operations.

Database Connection Details

Specify your database connection credentials.

Click Next when you have specified your credentials. A separate dialog window appears while RCU checks connectivity and the database prerequisites. When the database checking has passed without errors, click OK to dismiss the dialog window and go to the next screen.

Select Components (for Create Operation)

From the drop-down list, select the prefix you specified earlier in this procedure.

Then, select the components for which you want to perform the product load.

Schema Passwords

Specify the passwords for your schema owners.

Ensure to specify the same passwords that were entered while running the script_systemLoad.sql script through SQL*Plus.

You must remember the passwords you enter on this screen; you need this information during the configuration phase of your product installation. Oracle recommends that you write down these values.

Custom Variables

Use the Custom Variables screen to specify additional product configuration information.

The Custom Variables screen appears only if you selected one or more of the following components on the Select Components screen. You can select a component on the Select Components screen only if the Oracle home in which RCU was started contains that component.

Summary (for Create Operation)

Verify the information on this screen, then click Data Load to begin schema creation.

Completion Summary (for Create Operation)

Review the information on this screen to verify that the operation was completed successfully. Click Close to complete the schema creation and dismiss RCU.


This optional step is needed for components that generate and must execute product load scripts requiring DBA privileges. After the product load phase is complete, someone with SYS or SYSDBA privileges must execute the script_postDataLoad.sql script.

This step is needed for the Audit Services (IAU) and Oracle Enterprise Scheduler (ESS) components.

  1. Sign in to SQL*Plus.

  2. Enter the following command to execute the script_postDataLoad.sql script (replace the path to the script if you chose to save it in a custom location):


    You are returned to your system prompt when the script has been executed.

Verifying Schema Version Numbers

When the schemas are created in your database, RCU creates and maintains a table called schema_version_registry. This table contains schema information such as version number, component name and ID, date of creation and modification, and custom prefix.

To verify that the schemas are installed properly, run the following query after you sign in to SQL*Plus:

select comp_name, version from schema_version_registry;

The comp_name argument retrieves the name of the component, and version retrieves the version number. For example:

SQL> select comp_name, version from schema_version_registry;

Audit Service
Audit Service Append
Audit Service Viewer
Metadata Services
Oracle Platform Security Services
Service Table
User Messaging Service
WebLogic Services
8 rows selected.

Creating Schemas for WebLogic Server on an ATP-S Database

Follow these instructions to create schemas for WebLogic Server on an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S) database, and verify that they are installed properly.

Ensure that you have completed the prerequisites for schema creation. See Settings to connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.

To create schemas for WebLogic server on an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S) database in silent mode, see Run RCU for Oracle WebLogic Server on ATP-S database in silent mode.

Creating Schemas as a User with Full Database Privileges

If you are a user with full database privileges and are able to provide valid authentication credentials for database access, follow these instructions to create schemas.

Click the screen name to see detailed information for that screen. Unless otherwise noted, click Next to continue to the next screen.

Table 2-3 Schema Creation Steps for Full-Privilege Users

Screen Description


This screen introduces you to RCU.

Create Repository

Select Create Repository, then select System Load and Product Load.

Database Connection Details

Specify your database connection credentials using the Connection String format only. See Settings to connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.

After you have specified your credentials, click Next. The user privileges warning is displayed. You can ignore the warning and continue with the schema creation. For more information, see Troubleshooting Tips for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.

Select Components (for Create Operation)

Select the components for which you want to create schemas, and specify a prefix to group them together.

You must remember the prefix and schema names for the components you are installing; you need this information during the configuration phase of your product installation. Oracle recommends that you write down these values.

Schema Passwords

Specify the passwords for your schema owners.

You must remember the passwords you enter on this screen; you need this information during the configuration phase of your product installation. Oracle recommends that you write down these values.

Map Tablespaces

Use this screen to configure the desired tablespace mapping for the schemas that you want to create.

Note: If you created the schemas using an existing prefix. override the default and temporary tablespaces by selecting DATA from the drop-down list in the Default Tablespace column, and TEMP from the drop-down list in the Temp Tablespace column. In case of additional tablespaces, override the tablespace name by selecting DATA from the drop-down list in the Tablespace Name column.

When you click Next, the user privileges warning is displayed. You can ignore the warning and continue with the schema creation. For more information, see Troubleshooting Tips for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.

On the confirmation window, click OK to confirm that you want to create these tablespaces. You can view progress of tablespace creation. After the tablespaces are created, click Next to go to the next screen.

Summary (for Create Operation)

Verify the information on this screen, then click Create to begin schema creation.

Completion Summary (for Create Operation)

Review the information on this screen to verify that the operation was completed successfully. Click Close to complete the schema creation and dismiss RCU.

Creating Schemas as a User With Limited Database Privileges

If you are a user without full database privileges, follow these instructions to create schemas.

To create schemas, a user with limited database privileges needs to follow the steps in Create Repository in Creating Schemas as a User with Full Database Privileges


To create schemas in PDB using a user other than a user with full database privileges, Repository Creation Utility (RCU) users need to create a common user and grant DBA to that common user, before running RCU. Local user with DBA privilege will not work correctly.

Verifying Schema Version Numbers

When the schemas are created in your database, RCU creates and maintains a table called schema_version_registry. This table contains schema information such as version number, component name and ID, date of creation and modification, and custom prefix.

To verify that the schemas are installed properly, run the following query after you sign in to SQL*Plus:

select comp_name, version from schema_version_registry;

The comp_name argument retrieves the name of the component, and version retrieves the version number. For example:

SQL> select comp_name, version from schema_version_registry;

Audit Service
Audit Service Append
Audit Service Viewer
Metadata Services
Oracle Platform Security Services
Service Table
User Messaging Service
WebLogic Services
8 rows selected.

Dropping Schemas

Follow these instructions to drop schemas from the database.

To see detailed information for a particular screen, click on the screen name. Unless otherwise noted, click Next to continue to the next screen.

Table 2-4 RCU Screens and Description for Dropping Schemas

Screen Instructions and Action Required


This screen introduces you to RCU.

Create Repository

Select Drop Repository.

Database Connection Details

Specify your database connection credentials.

Click Next when you have specified your credentials. A separate dialog window appears while RCU checks connectivity and the database prerequisites. When the database checking has passed without errors, click OK to dismiss the dialog window and go to the next screen.

Select Components (for Drop Operation)

Select the prefix and the schemas that you want to drop, then click Next.

A separate dialog window appears asking you to verify that you want to drop the selected schemas. Click OK to dismiss this window.

A second dialog window appears while RCU checks the prerequisites for the schemas that you are dropping. After prerequisite checking is complete, click OK to dismiss this window and go to the next screen.

Custom Variables

The Custom Variables screen appears only if you selected one or more of the following components on the Select Components screen. You can select a component on the Select Components screen only if the Oracle home in which RCU was started contains that component.

Summary (for Drop Operation)

Review the information on this screen, then click Drop to drop the schemas.

Completion Summary (for Drop Operation)

Note the location of the log files, then click Close to dismiss the screen.

About Dropping Shared Tablespaces

Tablespaces that are shared among multiple schemas are not dropped.

For example, if you created both the Audit Services (for example, DEV_IAU) and Metadata Services (for example, DEV_MDS) schemas, both schemas would use the temporary tablespace DEV_IAS_TEMP (see Default Tablespace Mappings).

If you then drop the DEV_IAU schema, the DEV_IAS_TEMP tablespace would not be dropped since it is also used by the DEV_MDS schema.

Dropping Schemas and Deleting Datafiles (Windows Only)

If you used RCU to drop a schema from a Windows-based database, and you want to recreate the dropped schema, you will have to manually delete the datafiles that were not automatically removed when the schema was dropped.

Change to the DB_HOME\oradata directory and manually delete any remaining datafiles before you recreate the schema.

Oracle recommends that you check this directory for any remaining datafiles before you attempt to recreate any dropped schema.