11 Configuring Remote Satellite Server

After you set up a WebLogic domain for Oracle WebCenter Sites: Satellite Server, you can run the Satellite Server Configurator to complete the configuration process.

Completing Prerequisites for Configuring Satellite Server

Before configuring Satellite Server, ensure that the following prerequisites have been done:

  • Create the necessary database schemas using the Repository Creation Utility, as Creating the Database Schemas describes.

  • Create a WebLogic domain for Satellite Server using the WebLogic Configuration Wizard and the Oracle WebCenter Sites — Satellite Server [wcsites] template, as Configuring the WebCenter Sites Domain describes.

  • If you plan to manually set the value of the ss.password property in DOMAIN_HOME/wcsites/satelliteserver/config/wcs_properties.json in clear text, you must set the value of the hidden.encrypted property to false. (If you are using using encrypted passwords, set hidden.encrypted to true.)

Using the Import/Export Uitlity to Configure Satellite Server

You can use the Import/Export utility to import and export the Satellite Server configuration store in a property file format. The exported property file has all the settings for the product in a key=value format.

To run the utility, see Using the Import/Export Utility to Manage Satellite Server Properties in Property Files Reference for Oracle WebCenter Sites

You can start the Satellite Server Configurator from the command line and run it in either interactive mode or silent mode to configure Satellite Server. The Configurator provides configuration instructions.

Running the Satellite Server Configurator in Interactive Mode

To run the Configurator in interactive mode, do these steps:

  1. Using the command line, navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/wcsites/satelliteserver/ directory.

  2. Run the Satellite Server Configurator: java -jar satellite-configurator.jar -configPath DOMAIN_HOME/wcsites/satelliteserver/config

  3. Follow the instructions displayed in the Configurator.

  4. Start the Satellite Server Managed Server.

Running the Satellite Server Configurator in Silent Mode

To run the Configurator in silent mode:

  1. Edit the DOMAIN_HOME/wcsites/satelliteserver/config/wcs_satelliteserver_properties_bootstrap.ini file and complete the instructions.

  2. Using the command line, navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/wcsites/satelliteserver/ directory.

  3. Run the Satellite Server Configurator: java -jar satellite-configurator.jar -silent DOMAIN_HOME/wcsites/satelliteserver/config.

  4. Start the Satellite Server Managed Server.

If you get nullpointer exceptions when you start the Managed Server, confirm that the following steps have been completed then run the Satellite Server Configurator again.

  1. Update the cs-cache.xml, ss-cache.xml, linked-cache.xml, and cas-cache.xml files, as Completing Prerequisites for Configuring WebCenter Sites describes.

  2. Complete initial configuration in the WebCenter Sites configuration setup URL: http://sites-host:sites-port/sites/sitesconfigsetup

For more information on configuring Satellite Server, see Managing Caching in Developing with Oracle WebCenter Sites.


Because changes you make to a WAR file are not retained during redeployment, you must copy WAR file changes over after each redeployment of the web applications. Oracle recommends deploying static artifacts such as images and stylesheet files onto the web server.