Oracle® Fusion Middleware C++ API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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00001 /*
00002 * System.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00016 #ifndef COH_SYSTEM_HPP
00017 #define COH_SYSTEM_HPP
00019 #include "coherence/lang/compatibility.hpp"
00021 #include "coherence/lang/abstract_spec.hpp"
00022 #include "coherence/lang/HeapAnalyzer.hpp"
00023 #include "coherence/lang/ObjectArray.hpp"
00024 #include "coherence/lang/String.hpp"
00026 #include <locale>
00028 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE2(coherence,lang)
00031 /**
00032 * A collection of general purpose utility methods.
00033 *
00034 * @author mf 2007.12.19
00035 */
00036 class COH_EXPORT System
00037     : public abstract_spec<System>
00038     {
00039     // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
00041     private:
00042         /**
00043         * Blocked constructor.
00044         */
00045         System();
00048     // ----- System interface -----------------------------------------------
00050     public:
00051         /**
00052          * Runs the garbage collector.
00053          *
00054          * While most managed objects are automatically reclaimed when their
00055          * reference count reaches zero, some special case objects utilize
00056          * deferred automatic cleanup.  Calling this method will expedite this
00057          * deferred cleanup.
00058          *
00059          * @param fFull  true iff an exhaustive collection is desired
00060          */
00061         static void gc(bool fFull = false);
00063         /**
00064         * Return the number of milliseconds which have elapsed since the
00065         * process was started.
00066         *
00067         * @return the number of milliseconds which have elapsed since the
00068         *         process was started
00069         */
00070         static int64_t upTimeMillis();
00072         /**
00073         * Return the elapsed milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 UTC.
00074         *
00075         * This function does not guard against the clock rolling back or
00076         * jumping forward.
00077         *
00078         * @return the elapsed milliseconds
00079         */
00080         static int64_t currentTimeMillis();
00082         /**
00083         * Returns a "safe" current time in milliseconds.
00084         *
00085         * Unlike the #currentTimeMillis() this method guarantees that the
00086         * time never "goes back".
00087         *
00088         * More specifically, when called twice on the same thread, the second
00089         * call will never return a value that is less then the value returned
00090         * by the first call. If a system time correction becomes necessary, an
00091         * attempt will be made to gradually compensate the returned value, so
00092         * in the long run the value returned by this method is the same as the
00093         * system time.
00094         *
00095         * Additionally, the following always holds true:
00096         * <pre>
00097         *   System::safeTimeMillis() >= System::currentTimeMillis();
00098         * </pre>
00099         *
00100         * @return the difference, measured in milliseconds, between
00101         *         the corrected current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
00102         */
00103         static int64_t safeTimeMillis();
00105         /**
00106         * Returns the last "safe" time as computed by a previous call to
00107         * the {@link #safeTimeMillis} method.
00108         *
00109         * Note: Since the underlying field is non-volatile, the returned value
00110         * is only guaranteed to be no less than the last value returned by
00111         * safeTimeMillis() call on the same thread.
00112         *
00113         * @return the last "safe" time in milliseconds
00114         */
00115         static int64_t lastSafeTimeMillis();
00117         /**
00118         * Return the value of a system property.
00119         *
00120         * The standard naming convention for system properties is '.'
00121         * Separated property names, such as "coherence.setting".
00122         *
00123         * As of Coherence 3.4 the only source for system properties is
00124         * environment variables. As some environments do not allow '.' in
00125         * variable names, a failed lookup will be automatically re-issued
00126         * using a camel-cased version of the supplied name, i.e. the property
00127         * name "coherence.setting" would translate to
00128         * "CoherenceSetting".  From a code level perspective
00129         * camel-case does not need to be a consideration, it is only when
00130         * setting environment variables that it may be needed.
00131         *
00132         * As of Coherence 12.2.1, the Coherence system property pattern
00133         * begins with "coherence.".  This method looks up system property
00134         * by the provided vsName format.  If vsName starts with "coherence." and
00135         * the system property lookup fails to find a value, this method retries
00136         * lookup with leading "tangosol." for backwards compatibility support.
00137         *
00138         * If vsName starts with "tangosol.",
00139         * it follows pre Coherence 12.2.1 Coherence system property pattern.
00140         * If lookup of vsName following this pattern occurs, then
00141         * a failed lookup is retried following Coherence 12.2.1 system
00142         * property pattern, replacing leading "tangosol." with
00143         * "coherence."
00144         *
00145         * @param vsName     the name of the property to return
00146         * @param vsDefault  the default value for the property
00147         *
00148         * @return the corresponding property value, or the supplied default if
00149         *         no value could be found
00150         */
00151         static String::View getProperty(String::View vsName,
00152                 String::View vsDefault = String::null_string);
00154         /**
00155         * Set the system property to a value.
00156         *
00157         * @param vsName    the system property name
00158         * @param vsValue   the value of the system property
00159         *
00160         * @return previous value of system property
00161         *
00162         * @since Coherence 12.2.1
00163         */
00164         static String::View setProperty(String::View vsName, String::View vsValue); 
00166         /**
00167         * Clear system property's value.
00168         *
00169         * @param vsName  the system property name to remove its value
00170         *
00171         * @return previous value of system property
00172         *
00173         * @since Coherence 12.2.1
00174         */
00175         static String::View clearProperty(String::View vsName);
00177         /**
00178         * Return the same hash code for the given object as would be returned
00179         * by the default implementation provided in Object. In the case of
00180         * NULL zero is returned.
00181         *
00182         * @param v  the object to hash
00183         *
00184         * @return the object's identity hash code.
00185         */
00186         static size32_t identityHashCode(Object::View v);
00188         /**
00189         * Specify the system interrupt resolution.
00190         *
00191         * The resolution at which a blocked thread will test if it has been
00192         * interrupted.  Not all blocking states are guaranteed to utilize this
00193         * feature, but at a minimum Object::wait(), and Coherence based network
00194         * communications do respect this setting.
00195         *
00196         * Once in a blocking state the blocked call may not see updates to this
00197         * setting. If this setting is to be updated it is recommended that it
00198         * only occur once at application startup.
00199         *
00200         * Recommended values are between 100 and 1000 milliseconds, default is
00201         * 250 milliseconds.
00202         *
00203         * @param cMillis  the new interrupt resolution
00204         *
00205         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if cMillis <= 0
00206         */
00207         static void setInterruptResolution(int64_t cMillis);
00209         /**
00210         * Return the interrupt resolution.
00211         *
00212         * @return the interrupt resolution.
00213         */
00214         static int64_t getInterruptResolution();
00216         /**
00217         * Load the specified library.
00218         */
00219         static void loadLibrary(String::View vsLibName);
00221         /**
00222          * Set the global locale.
00223          *
00224          * @param vsLocale the name of the locale to use, or NULL for the classic locale
00225          *
00226          * @return the name of the former locale
00227          */
00228         COH_INLINE static String::View setLocale(String::View vsLocale)
00229             {
00230             if (vsLocale == NULL)
00231                 {
00232                 vsLocale = "C"; // classic locale
00233                 }
00235             // pass through to coh internals in case is using a different standard library.
00236             // Note we only do this by name as passing a std::local object across the lib
00237             // boundary may not be safe if different standard libraries are used
00238             String::View vsOld = System::setLocaleInternal(vsLocale);
00240             // we also set it on the std version used by the caller, since this is inlined
00241             // it will pick up the callers library even if different from the one used internally
00242             std::locale loc(vsLocale->getCString());
00243             std::cin.imbue(loc);
00244             std::cout.imbue(loc);
00245             std::cerr.imbue(loc);
00246             std::clog.imbue(loc);
00247             std::wcin.imbue(loc);
00248             std::wcout.imbue(loc);
00249             std::wcerr.imbue(loc);
00250             std::wclog.imbue(loc);
00251             std::locale::global(loc);
00253             return vsOld;
00254             }
00256     // ----- diagnostics methods --------------------------------------------
00258     public:
00259         /**
00260         * Test that the attach count on the Object is the expected value.
00261         *
00262         * This method is for testing purposes only, and will throw an
00263         * exception if the count is not the expected value.
00264         *
00265         * @param v        the Object to test
00266         * @param cHandle  the expected number of handles attached to this
00267         *                 Object
00268         * @param fEscaped the expected object escape state
00269         */
00270         static void assertAttachCount(Object::View v, uint32_t cHandle,
00271                 uint32_t cView);
00273         /**
00274         * Return a string representation of the Object's life-cycle state.
00275         *
00276         * This is intended for diagnostics purposes only.
00277         *
00278         * @param v  the Object to describe
00279         *
00280         * @return a human-readable description of the object's life-cycle
00281         *         state
00282         */
00283         static String::View getLifeCycleDescription(Object::View v);
00285         /**
00286         * Return the System HeapAnalyzer.
00287         *
00288         * There may be only one HeapAnalyzer for the life of the process, the
00289         * default being the ObjectCountHeapAnalyzer, which is very low cost.
00290         *
00291         * The HeapAnalyzer to use may be specified via the
00292         * "coherence.heap.analyzer" system property, can can be set
00293         * to either a registered class name, or to "none".
00294         *
00295         * If using a heap-analyzer other then the default, some Objects
00296         * created during static initialization may not be registered.
00297         *
00298         * @return the System HeapAnalyzer.
00299         */
00300         static HeapAnalyzer::Handle getHeapAnalyzer();
00302         /**
00303         * Return the common monitor associated with the specified integer
00304         * value.
00305         *
00306         * Common monitors allow for a low-cost means to reduce contention by
00307         * spreading synchronization over a large number of monitors. An
00308         * example usage would be to produce an "atomic array". For instance
00309         * to atomically change an element within an array which is being
00310         * simultaneously updated by multiple threads:
00311         * <pre>
00312         * COH_SYNCHRONIZED (System::getCommonMonitor(
00313         *   System::identityHashCode(aoShared) + i))
00314         *     {
00315         *     oOld = haoShared[i];
00316         *     haoShared[i] = oNew;
00317         *     }
00318         * </pre>
00319         * With this approach many threads may concurrently access various
00320         * array elements without having to synchronize on the array itself,
00321         * and contend with each other. The use of common monitors also avoids
00322         * the overhead of allocating a unique monitor per index. This example
00323         * additionally makes use of the array's identity hash code to avoid
00324         * frequent collisions against other atomic arrays for the same indices.
00325         *
00326         * As they are shared, these monitors will apply to any number of
00327         * unrelated entities, and as such certain precautions must be employed
00328         * when using them.
00329         * <ul>
00330         * <li>The holder of a common monitor MUST not synchronize on any other
00331         *     common monitor. Failure to adhere to this precaution will result
00332         *     in a deadlock.
00333         * <li>Notifications on a common monitor MUST use notifyAll() rather
00334         *     then notify(), as there may be unrelated threads waiting for
00335         *     notification on the same monitor which could consume a single
00336         *     notification. Thus the only way to ensure that the desired
00337         *     thread does receive notification is to notify all threads
00338         *     waiting on the monitor.
00339         * <li>Threads waiting for a notification must protect themselves
00340         *     against spurious style wakeups. While this is a general, though
00341         *     often overlooked part of the normal use of notification, with
00342         *     common monitors it is far more likely that a thread will be
00343         *     notified due to an unrelated event.
00344         * <li>A thread which is holding synchronization on a common monitor
00345         *     should avoid blocking operations as this could block unrelated
00346         *     threads which happen to be utilizing the same common monitor.
00347         * </ul>
00348         * The ideal number of common monitors in a process is one per
00349         * concurrently executing thread. As this number is generally unknown
00350         * the default number of monitors set to a relatively high value. The
00351         * value may also be manually specified via the
00352         * <code>tangosol.coherence.commonmonitors</code> system property.
00353         *
00354         * @param i the common monitor identifier
00355         *
00356         * @return the associated monitor
00357         */
00358         static Object::Handle getCommonMonitor(size32_t i);
00360         /**
00361         * Return the common monitor associated with the specified long value.
00362         *
00363         * @param l the common monitor identifier
00364         *
00365         * @return the associated monitor
00366         *
00367         * @see #getCommonMonitor(size32_t)
00368         */
00369         static Object::Handle getCommonMonitor(size64_t l);
00371         /**
00372         * Return a random common monitor for use as the guardian of
00373         * thread-safe handles which are not a data member of a managed object.
00374         */
00375         static Object& common();
00377         /**
00378          * Return true if common monitors have been initialized.
00379          */
00380         static bool isCommonMonitorInitialized();
00382         /**
00383         * Executable entrypoint for the System class.
00384         *
00385         * Print the Coherence library version information.
00386         */
00387         static void main(ObjectArray::View);
00390     // ----- helper methods -------------------------------------------------
00392     protected:
00393         /**
00394          * Internal helper for specifying the global locale used within
00395          * the Coherence library.
00396          */
00397         static String::View setLocaleInternal(String::View vsLocale);
00400     // ----- nested class: CommonMonitor ------------------------------------
00402     public:
00403         /**
00404         * A class which acts as CommonMonitor.
00405         *
00406         * The custom class is produced to aid in identification while profiling.
00407         */
00408         class COH_EXPORT CommonMonitor
00409             : public class_spec<CommonMonitor>
00410             {
00411             friend class factory<CommonMonitor>;
00413             protected:
00414                 CommonMonitor() {}
00415             };
00416     };
00420 #endif // COH_SYSTEM_HPP
Copyright © 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.