Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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Contains classes and interfaces for writing and reading .NET objects to and from a binary Portable Object Format (POF) or Portable Invocation Format (PIF).


Public classBinaryPofSerializer
IPofSerializer implementation that supports the serialization and deserialization of any serializable .NET type.
Public classConfigurablePofContext
This class implements the IPofContext interface using information provided in a configuration file (or in a passed XML configuration).
Protected classConfigurablePofContext..::..PofConfig
The information related to the configuration of a particular IPofContext for a specific URI.
Protected classConfigurablePofContext..::..PofConfigParameterResolver
An XmlHelper..::..IParameterResolver implementation used by ConfigurablePofContext when resolving serializer configuration.
Public classEnumPofSerializer
IPofSerializer implementation that supports the serialization and deserialization of enum values to and from a POF stream.
Public classEvolvableHolder
Storage for evolvable classes.
Public classExceptionPofSerializer
IPofSerializer implementation that can serialize and deserialize a Exception to/from a POF stream.
Public classIdentityPofSerializer
IPofSerializer implementation that supports the serialization and deserialization of an IIdentity to and from a POF stream.
Public classPofAnnotationSerializer
A PofAnnotationSerializer provides annotation based de/serialization.
Public classPofHelper
Collection of helper methods for POF streams.
Public classPofStreamReader
IPofReader implementation that reads POF-encoded data from a DataReader.
Public classPofStreamReader..::..IdentityHolder
Store the identity of an object read by a POF reader.
Public classPofStreamReader..::..UserTypeReader
The UserTypeReader implementation is a contextually-aware IPofReader whose purpose is to advance through the properties of a value of a specified user type.
Public classPofStreamWriter
IPofWriter implementation that writes POF-encoded data to a POF stream.
Public classPofStreamWriter..::..ReferenceLibrary
A "library" of object references and their corresponding identities in the POF stream.
Public classPofStreamWriter..::..UserTypeWriter
The UserTypeWriter implementation is a contextually-aware IPofWriter whose purpose is to write the properties of a value of a specified user type.
Public classPortableException
A PortableException is an exception that allows information about a remote exception to be serialized and deserialized to/from a POF stream.
Public classPortableObjectSerializer
IPofSerializer implementation that supports the serialization and deserialization of any class that implements IPortableObject to and from a POF stream.
Public classPortableTypeSerializer
A IPofSerializer implementation that serializes classes that implement IPortableObject interface (and optionally IEvolvableObject interface).
Public classPrincipalPofSerializer
IPofSerializer implementation that supports the serialization and deserialization of an IPrincipal to and from a POF stream.
Public classRawDateTime
An immutable POF date-time value.
Public classRawTime
An immutable time value.
Public classSafeConfigurablePofContext
SafeConfigurablePofContext is an extension of ConfigurablePofContext that can serialize and deserialize any valid POF user type, even those that have not been explicitly configured, as well as any .NET serializable types.
Public classSafeConfigurablePofContext..::..DotNetPofSerializer
Serializer used for Serializable objects.
Public classSafeConfigurablePofContext..::..SafePofSerializer
Serializer used for objects implementing the IPortableObject interface.
Public classSimplePofContext
Basic IPofContext implementation.
Public classWritingPofHandler
An implementation of IPofHandler that writes a POF stream to a Stream using a DataWriter object.
Public classWritingPofHandler..::..Complex
A Complex object represents the current complex data structure in the POF stream.
Public classWritingPofHandler..::..ComplexMap
A ComplexMap object represents a map data structure (with uniform keys or with uniform keys and values) in the POF stream.
Public classXmlPofSerializer
IPofSerializer implementation that supports .NET XML serialization and deserialization.


Public structureRawInt128
An immutable POF RawInt128 value.
Public structureRawYearMonthInterval
An immutable POF year-month interval value.


Public interfaceIEvolvableObject
Defines an interface that should be implemented by the classes that want to support evolution.
Public interfaceIEvolvablePortableObject
Extension of the IPortableObject interface that supports forwards- and backwards-compatibility of POF data streams.
Public interfaceIPofContext
The IPofContext interface represents a set of user types that can be serialized to and deserialized from a POF stream.
Public interfaceIPofHandler
This interface defines the handler for an event-driven approach to parsing (or assembling) a POF stream.
Public interfaceIPofReader
The IPofReader interface provides the capability of reading a set of non-primitive .NET types ("user types") from a POF stream as an ordered sequence of indexed properties.
Public interfaceIPofSerializer
The IPofSerializer interface provides the capability of reading and writing a .NET object from and to a POF stream.
Public interfaceIPofWriter
The IPofWriter interface provides the capability of writing a set of non-primitive .NET types ("user types") to a POF stream as an ordered sequence of indexed properties.
Public interfaceIPortableObject
The IPortableObject interface is implemented by .NET classes that can self-serialize and deserialize their state to and from a POF data stream.