Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The PofUniformSparseArray type exposes the following members.


Public methodPofUniformSparseArray
Construct a PofUniformSparseArray instance wrapping the supplied binary.


Public methodApplyChanges
Apply all the changes that were made to this value and return a binary representation of the new value.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected methodEnsureReferenceRegistry
Obtain the registry for identity-reference pairs, creating it if necessary.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodExtractChild
Extract child IPofValue from this value.
(Inherited from ComplexPofValue.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFindChild
Find the child value with the specified index.
(Inherited from ComplexPofValue.)
Protected methodFindChildInternal
Find the child value with the specified index.
(Inherited from PofSparseArray.)
Public methodGetBoolean
Return the Boolean which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetBooleanArray
Return the Boolean[] which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetByte
Return the Byte which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetByteArray
Return the Byte[] which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetChanges
Return a binary containing changes made to this IPofValue in the format defined by the BinaryDeltaCompressor.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetChar
Return the Char which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetCharArray
Return the Char[] which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetChild
Locate a child IPofValue contained within this IPofValue.
(Inherited from ComplexPofValue.)
Public methodGetChildrenEnumerator
Return an enumerator over all parsed child values.
(Inherited from ComplexPofValue.)
Public methodGetCollection(ICollection)
Return an ICollection of object values which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetCollection<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(ICollection<(Of <<'(T>)>>))
Return an ICollection<T> of object values which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetDate
Return the DateTime which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetDateTime
Return the DateTime which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetDayTimeInterval
Return the TimeSpan which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetDecimal
Return the Decimal which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetDictionary(IDictionary)
Return an IDictionary of key/value pairs which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetDictionary<(Of <<'(TKey, TValue>)>>)(IDictionary<(Of <<'(TKey, TValue>)>>))
Read an IDictionar<TKey, TValue>y of key/value pairs which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetDouble
Return the Double which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetDoubleArray
Return the Double[] which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetInt16
Return the Int16 which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetInt16Array
Return the Int16[] which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetInt32
Return the Int32 which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetInt32Array
Return the Int32[] which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetInt64
Return the Int64 which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetInt64Array
Return the Int64[] which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected methodGetLastChildIndex
Return index of the last parsed child with an index lower than the specified one.
(Inherited from ComplexPofValue.)
Public methodGetSerializedValue
Return this value's serialized form.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetSingle
Return the Single which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetSingleArray
Return the Single[] which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetString
Return the String which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue()()()()
Return the deserialized value which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetValue(Int32)
Return the deserialized value which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodGetValue(Type)
Return the deserialized value which this IPofValue represents.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected methodIncrementDirtyBytesCount
Increment the counter representing the estimated number of bytes in the original buffer that have been modified.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected methodIncrementDirtyValuesCount
Increment the counter representing the number of values within this POF hierarchy that have been modified.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected methodInstantiateNullValue
Instantiate a PofSparseArray..::..NilPofValue (factory method).
(Overrides PofSparseArray..::..InstantiateNullValue(Int32, Int32).)
Protected methodLookupIdentity
Look up the specified identity and return the object to which it refers.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodRegisterIdentity
Register the passed value with the passed identity.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected methodSetDirty
Set the dirty flag for this value.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected methodSetUniformEncoded
Specifies that the buffer contains only a value, without a type identifier.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public methodSetValue
Update this PofValue.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected methodSkipChild
Skip a single child value.
(Inherited from ComplexPofValue.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)


Protected fieldm_nType
POF type identifer of this value.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected fieldm_oValue
Deserialized representation of this value.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)


Protected propertyBinaryValue
Return binary representation of this value.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected propertyDirtyBytesCount
Get the estimated number of dirty bytes in this POF value hierarchy.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public propertyIsDirty
Return true if this value has been modified, false otherwise.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected propertyIsRoot
Return true if this instance is the root of the IPofValue hierarchy.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected propertyIsUniformCollection
Return true if this complex value is encoded as one of uniform collection types.
(Inherited from ComplexPofValue.)
Protected propertyIsUniformEncoded
Return true if the buffer contains only the value, without the type identifier.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public propertyOffset
Return the offset of this value from the beginning of POF stream.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public propertyParent
Return the parent of this value.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public propertyPofContext
Return the POF context to use for serialization and deserialization.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public propertyRoot
Return the root of the hierarchy this value belongs to.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public propertySize
Return the size of the encoded value in bytes.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Public propertyTypeId
Obtain the POF type identifier for this value.
(Inherited from AbstractPofValue.)
Protected propertyUniformElementType
Gets or sets element type if this is a uniform collection.
(Inherited from ComplexPofValue.)

See Also